Well-Known Member
not mine but look
[/quote]How To Make a Flamethrower:
1) Get a small squirt gun. Make sure that it is a gun that you have to pump. This is because they have a series of two way valves which will prevent the flame from coming back into the gun and exploding.
2) Bend the wire from a clothes hanger so that it can be attached to the side of the gun, and sit about half of an inch below where the water would normally come out. The wire should extend about six inches in front of the gun.
3) Attach the wire in place using electrical or duct tape.
4) Using a rubber band, attach a birthday candle, horizontally to the piece of wire.
5) Fill the water tank with a fuel. Use lighter fluid or something like that. DO NOT USE GASOLINE!!!
6) Go outside.
7) Pump the gun, don't pump too much, just enough to get it to shoot.
8) Light the birthday candle.
9) Shoot.
10) Make any adjustments necessary to the alignment of the candle