For all those who say they can't do it or are not happy w/ their builds......

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Active Member
Hey there everyone! As I was uploading my newest batch of pictures for my son's DFT build, I started looking at my pictures from when I first started. What a difference. So I thought I would start a thread in the recruit section showing you that you can do it! Here are pics of my first attempts two years ago (those helmets! OMG!) and where I am at now.

The point of the post is that if your are hesitant or not sure of your talent, just put knife to foam (or your preferred method) and start. Will there be mistakes? Yep. Will you have to remake a piece here and there? Probably so, but the idea is to learn from it and do it better.

Never underestimate your own talent and lastly, if your not sure of something, ask. I have never met a more honest and supportive group of artists than I have on this forum.

With out further ado.......

1st Ab Plate.jpg20190928_145655.jpg1St Helmets.jpg20190928_145751.jpg20190209_160631.jpg20190928_150055.jpg20190928_142935.jpg20190928_142948.jpg20190928_143001.jpg20190928_143017.jpg
Felt like I should throw my little progression and improvement of skills in here too.
I have been a foamsmith, maker, cosplayers or whatever people want to call it for 3 years now. Below are the 5 helmets I have built in that time. Not shown are the 5 suits of armour that I have made in that same amount of time.
Costuming is a journey. We learn so many things along the way.

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This is a selection of the costumes I've made for myself, there's definitely a few props, odds and ends and gosh knows what else not included but everything I make helps make the next thing better
Here are some of mine, including my first "serious" costume circa 1992, literally taped together with parts found at the goodwill store.

Resistance is futile


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