For the uberest of noobs

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Is styrofoam a good thing to practice modeling on? like, can i make a full helmet out of SF and then make a mold over that? or just use SF and coat it with somethign to make it look like .....not SF? lol, im so new to building i dont know where to start, i cant even make a box out of legos :cautious:

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BlacRoseImmortal said:
Is styrofoam a good thing to practice modeling one, like can i make a full helmet out of SF and then make a mold over that? im so new to building i dont know where to start, i cant even make a box out of legos :cautious:

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All comments are appreciated!


Use 2 or 2.5 lb foam from a singe shop. and Hard Coat it. Look up Hot Knife made with a Battery charger on the net.
We made a Cannon last year and Will make the Ghost that way.

There it a Post on War Hammer Armor some were that talks about SF. they made a frame first of wood i think
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BlacRoseImmortal said:
Is styrofoam a good thing to practice modeling on? like, can i make a full helmet out of SF and then make a mold over that? or just use SF and coat it with somethign to make it look like .....not SF? lol, im so new to building i dont know where to start, i cant even make a box out of legos :cautious:

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All comments are appreciated!

moldmaking is VERY expensive (200-400) for 1 helmet.' so you propably cant afford it...
2nd of all styrofoam melts nearly always when it meets some sort of a chemical
If you cant build a box using legos you better quit this site because a 3 year old can build one. (lego box)
I'm not trying to be rood or anything... it's just if you say you cant do it you propably shouldnt even start because it's very expensive and difficult to make a good helmet.
I would recomendend pepakura tough, it's simple and easy


EDIT: styrofoam can be sculpted well if you have a styrofoam cutter... it's just not the best material because of melting
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Yes and no.... Its essentially about the method you're most comfortable with when sculpting. Starting with a block of material and shaping it, is called subtractive sculpture, starting with nothing(or an armature) and building it up is called additive sculpture. Personally I find subtractive sculpture to be more difficult but, that is just me, you may find the opposite is true. I wouldn't recommend styrofoam, its very "grabby"for lack of a better word, you'll be shapping away then a big chunk will just rip out.... I quite like using bricks of dried flower arranging foam, it takes shape very well, is easy to work, you can cover the surface in bondo for use on a vacuum table or taking moulds. There are also a number of professional sculpting foams available. Look into taxidermy for more information, its a bit gross, but they use a lot of foam in their work. You can buy two part kits of urethane foams for making your own bricks and some people use blocks of insulation foam.
Cool thanks guys, all very helpful stuff... oh and Finnish i was being VERY exagurent when i said i cant amake a box out of LEGOS, i really can (i promise lol) Ive always been artistic and am always able to tweek things to make them better each time i try, so makin Armor will eventually click for me, i just wanted to know what was the best material to PRACTICE with before i spend tons of money if i really cant pull it off.

I'm not trying to be rood or anything...
well it sure looks like it. She is asking a legitimate question about material properties, the thread does not need that type of attitude.
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Extruded polystyrene insulation board foam works fairly well for carving. It's grain isn't quite as fine as florist's foam, but you can get larger amounts more cheaply. The only problem is that you can't use polyester resin (the kind that most places sell as 'fiberglassing resin'), you have to use an epoxy resin to hardcoat or glass this foam. You also can't bondo directly onto it, since bondo is polyester resin with styrene filler.
It's grain isn't quite as fine as florist's foam, but you can get larger amounts more cheaply
True, I should have pointed out the florists foam is quite expensive, I get it in bulk from a wholesaler, saves quite a lot.
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nightmare armor uses foam to carve out most of their armor patterns. Thing is, not regular styrofoam, you gotta use high density foam. Regular styrofoam is too flexible and instead of sanding and cutting tends to tear and look like crap.

But sure, you can certainly do it. Its a great way to make armor patterns, it's just really expensive.
For my first practice attempt (and the cheapest thing i can think of) can i buy a regular Block of styrofoam and sandpaper it and cut it down to make a nonhollow model? my fashah said he would help me out abit (he likes to build floats) he was the one that told me to use a block of styrofoam since thats his main product on his floats.
BlacRoseImmortal said:
Is styrofoam a good thing to practice modeling on? like, can i make a full helmet out of SF and then make a mold over that? or just use SF and coat it with somethign to make it look like .....not SF? lol, im so new to building i dont know where to start, i cant even make a box out of legos :cautious:

If a topic like this has already been started, My Bad.

All comments are appreciated!

I was just going to use the sf for a skeliton but I'm still working on it. then I would put resin over it for the shell but I'm still designing the intereor so that when I take off the helmiet I wont have sf in my hair.wate what is the stuff thy put in motercycle helmets?
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BlacRoseImmortal said:
Cool thanks guys, all very helpful stuff... oh and Finnish i was being VERY exagurent when i said i cant amake a box out of LEGOS, i really can (i promise lol) Ive always been artistic and am always able to tweek things to make them better each time i try, so makin Armor will eventually click for me, i just wanted to know what was the best material to PRACTICE with before i spend tons of money if i really cant pull it off.

Okay, sorry about that. But seriously if someone came to this website and claimed they cant build a box out of legos... it would be very frustrating would it?
Also styrofoam modelling is quite difficult because you can screw up very easily.

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Finnish you thpugh she was serious?

LMAO, well thanks guys. i just started a pepakura helmet but its goin slow and its starting to piss me off, but it will be done by tomarrow and then ill see whether i shoulw continue or not :cautious:
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Ok so i finished my very first pepakura helmet, its not too bad for a first try but is it good enough to continue with the next few steps? or should i redo it and make sure things are absolutely perfect (pepakura)?

Here are some pics of my finished pepakura helm:
Looks good!

BTW, whats with the red and blue lines?

I know most people mark mountain and valley lines with different colors, but yours doesn't seem to have any real pattern.
your right, its because i couldnt figure it out lol :lol:

But i was able to make sense of it, the blue lines kinda mean "tabs" and the red lines mean :everything else" lol im surprised it came out this good since i still have no idea how i pulled it off.
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