GalaxyCon Info and Roll Call: December 1st -December 3rd, 2023 (Columbus, OH)

With the uncertainty of the space and the ticket situation, my plus one and I are going to pull out.
That is unfortunate to hear but also entirely respectable. At this time, we have been guaranteed a 20x20 Booth Space with supplied electric, 15 Exhibitor passes, and a soon-to-come discount code for remaining pass purchase. Only thing I am waiting on now is if they have us doing panels or not.
Discount Code has been listed for those who will not have an Exhibitor pass back on the main posting. Panel details have also been provided and I will be following up with those I choose to represent us during those panels based on prior event participation, medium of expertise, and tenure.

I have also chosen at this time who will be receiving complimentary Exhibitor passes based on prior event participation, out-of-state participation, tenure, and overall standing within our section of the community; and will make that publicly known here now.

- Fallen (Chosen for Armor 101 covering PPE and Tools of the Trade, Welcome to 405th)
- Cadet (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Pepakura and Vaccum-forming, Welcome to 405th)
- Wayward Flood
- Rosebud (Chosen for "Welcome to 405th")
- JTF4 (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Electronics, "Welcome to 405th")
- SSGLordBert
- SSGLordErne (Chosen for Armor 101, covering 3D Printing)
- SSGLordElmo
- Negativecacti (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Foam)
- Benton188 (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Foam, "Welcome to 405th")
- marinesniper
- SoleofDeath
- N8TEBB (Chosen for "Welcome to 405th")
- SpartanSweed
- SnakeandNape

Should you have any questions or not require a exhibitor pass/can not participate in the panel please do not hesitate to get in contact with me here. I will be revamping our presentations for both Armor 101/Welcome to the 405th with those participating so it fits our needs. Thank you all!
Question for you NobleofDeath16, do you know panel times/days yet, or how soon will we know? Want to make sure they don't fall in line with other plans/ booth times and such.
Discount Code has been listed for those who will not have an Exhibitor pass back on the main posting. Panel details have also been provided and I will be following up with those I choose to represent us during those panels based on prior event participation, medium of expertise, and tenure.

I have also chosen at this time who will be receiving complimentary Exhibitor passes based on prior event participation, out-of-state participation, tenure, and overall standing within our section of the community; and will make that publicly known here now.

- Fallen (Chosen for Armor 101 covering PPE and Tools of the Trade, Welcome to 405th)
- Cadet (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Pepakura and Vaccum-forming, Welcome to 405th)
- Wayward Flood
- Rosebud (Chosen for "Welcome to 405th")
- JTF4 (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Electronics, "Welcome to 405th")
- SSGLordBert
- SSGLordErne (Chosen for Armor 101, covering 3D Printing)
- SSGLordElmo
- Negativecacti (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Foam)
- Benton188 (Chosen for Armor 101 covering Foam, "Welcome to 405th")
- marinesniper
- SoleofDeath
- N8TEBB (Chosen for "Welcome to 405th")
- SpartanSweed
- SnakeandNape

Should you have any questions or not require a exhibitor pass/can not participate in the panel please do not hesitate to get in contact with me here. I will be revamping our presentations for both Armor 101/Welcome to the 405th with those participating so it fits our needs. Thank you all!
Hey I was signed up for helping with the booth set up therefore needing a badge to be able to come help. Also do you need someone to cover sewing and/or vinyl aspects as I do a lot of needlework & cricut work
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Sad I can't make it to this one, ya'll are gonna have a blast!!
Send me a postcard!
greeting from ohio.jpg
Hey I was signed up for helping with the booth set up therefore needing a badge to be able to come help. Also do you need someone to cover sewing and/or vinyl aspects as I do a lot of needlework & cricut work
I will not be able to provide you a badge since you already stated you purchased your own. If you will be helping with set up, that will be an audible you will inform Galaxy Con staff with another representative of the 405th present with their exhibitor pass. I apologize in advance.
I'll be there, armor's nowhere near done but I will be there in my Spartan Program T shirt. Fully prepared to be demolished and embarrassed at the Halo 3 FFA thing they are doing
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