Glueing Tabs Together In Enclosed Peps

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Cloud Valentine

New Member
How do you glue those last tabs when the piece dosn't have any holes to poke your hand or fingers through? e.g. a ball. how do you glue the last tab when there are no openings?
Well I simply put most of the tabs on the inside like you normally would, then at then end in those hard to pinch spots, I glue the tabs on the outside, I mean whats the difference? A few above tabs wont hurt, in fact it would probably be better to just do that then struggle and try to put the tabs under and end up ruining the pep.
i just pushed the pieces together with the tab on the inside, i tried to get the tab to match the angle of the shape i was gluing it to first. then i dabbed a little glue on the tab with a cue tip and pushed them together. then i held it together and took the cue tip once more and dabbed the glue along the outside line where they were merged.

I will examinee the pep to locate a piece with no tabs. That means that the tab are on the other pieces. I will then glue everything up leaving that last piece ofr the end.

For example, when I did the Halo 3 fragmentation grenade, I glued the round piece at the top as the last one. The "trigger" goes on op so it's not too bad if the glue isn't that great. Gor the "trigger" part, I glued the square piece on one of the sides last. That allowed me to slip my finger inside to be able to apply sufficient pressure on the other pieces. For the pieces that I glue last, I try to score my tab less so the paper actually provides the pressure to the tab. Right now, it works pretty well. I guess I have to come up with pictures but I don't have a digitaal camera so you will have to be patient.
It may be hard, but my Spartan laser and Armor is coming together Like a dream :), the glue also allows for filling in some rather annoying gaps that resin would seep in and make it looks nasty. so Yeah...I love Hotglue
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