Guinness book of excuses

I am not working on my sniper rifle or suit because im constantly busy so when i come to work where I can just relax, i use to actually relax and not work on projects. Also the printers i have are constantly screwing up and messing up prints when they finally print suit parts...I do have a decent amount of the parts but not the big items.
Hang in there! I hope those printers start behaving and work becomes less exhausting
Shadowshail, I have a box of misc parts to get to you, if you or Tomboy can use them.
Oooh! that would be awesome!

Hang in there! I hope those printers start behaving and work becomes less exhausting
Im trying lol someone is coming to help me tune them up this month but overnight i got a thermal runaway error so now im working on replacing that part today as well...its like i can never get a break with these.
The reason I'm not working on cosplay right now is partly that it's after midnight and I need to go to bed at some point soon. But also that I'm at the stage of painting or will be. I've been waffling on whether to do one more coat of filler-primer and I think I'm going to go for it just to really make it nice and smooth. But that's something I prefer to do earlier in the day when I'm not sleepy and, perhaps more importantly, can leave the workspace open to ventilate a bit better. (Can't really do that at night. Don't need people or animals getting in there.)

Also, not going to lie, am a bit worried about painting. It's like the critical step where all the other stuff has lead up to this point. This is where it "matters" because this is what people will see. And I want it to look nice. And at present it looks like I can't even get more of the paint if I wanted to (according to the website they have none of the colour I'm using left in stock with no idea if/when there might be a restock).

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