Gundam Rx-78-2

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JUICE said:
Yeah he's a Franky. The base is a Dykyrios. I'm working on a bunch of different versions. I'll have the Dykyrios helmet uploaded soon.

Loki- That's great man. Don't give up on it because it can get aggrevating at times.

Hah yeah I already have been pulling my hair on this...and I havent even finished the shield. I redid it from even that picture I posted. Any advice for how to cut down? Or just keep at it...? hahah

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JUICE said:
Cut down what?

Are you using background images or doing it by eye?

hahah i meant the frustration :pand Im doing it by eye right now...with images on my other monitor. I havent found any good reference pics for this thing...ill probably end up trying to draw my own and then using those.

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JUICE said:
Do you want me to send you a couple? I have a model sans shield.

Do you have any for the Deathscythe buster shield? Thats the one I have been working on...

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Loki- Here's some ref.

Here's the Dykyrios head.

I've been searching like mad but I cannot find it. Some guy over in Japan made SD suits for his kids. One of Nu Gundam and the other, Sazabi of course. It was really nifty. Suits weren't great quality, but it was the thought that counts.

Really like your models thus far!
I have the 3D files for the Wing Zero, Deathscythe,Zaku II,Zaku, Shining and a few others just let me know which ones you want some are in .kmz format and some are .3ds and .obj, I also bet you want my Rocketter 3D files so I'll see if I can find them if not I'll send you my unfinished pdo files for it if you want it too. I'm about 75% done with Robocop and then I'll be playing with some Gundam parts. Starting with the biggest if you get a idea of what I'm gonna play with.
Nintendude said:
I have the 3D files for the Wing Zero, Deathscythe,Zaku II,Zaku, Shining and a few others just let me know which ones you want some are in .kmz format and some are .3ds and .obj, I also bet you want my Rocketter 3D files so I'll see if I can find them if not I'll send you my unfinished pdo files for it if you want it too. I'm about 75% done with Robocop and then I'll be playing with some Gundam parts. Starting with the biggest if you get a idea of what I'm gonna play with.
Is it Deathscythe hell? Or the original deathscythe?

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Nintendude said:
It's easy to convert with Pep Designer 3 just load the KMZ file and export it as a 3D Model

Oo good to know! Haha thanks man. Sorry for all my dumb new to this whole modeling thing :p

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