Halo 2 Marine Armour WIP

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New Member
I'm making a Halo 2 Marine outfit, I've got the helmet done.





Lighting isn't the best, and these were taken with a phone, but I'm working on fixing those problems. Enjoy!
It seems to me like the helmet is a tad large, are you scaling the file in any way?
It does look good so far, I can't really say anything else about it yet. To make this longer I will ask a question, what color paint will your armor be?
It does look good so far, I can't really say anything else about it yet. To make this longer I will ask a question, what color paint will your armor be?

Thanks, and to answer your question, battle-worn camo green is what it'll be when all is said and done.

Now, for the shin and knee pics:



Shoulders next!
so what made you decide to go with the halo 2 marine? nothin like the retro choice but what made you choose halo 2 over the high res 3?
i know someone whos makin Halo2 marine armor. But his 405th account didnt work but ur work looks mice. Personally I like Halo 3 marines most but Halo 2 is also pretty cool. I <3 that game
so what made you decide to go with the halo 2 marine? nothin like the retro choice but what made you choose halo 2 over the high res 3?

First project and we decided to start with something simpler. Shoulders should be up idealy by the end of the week.
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