Halo 2 classic ODST build


Jr Member
Ever since I played Halo 2 I've loved the ODST design, honestly more than the 3 and 2A design, so I've decided to make it my first full armor build. I'm a very vision oriented guy, especially when it comes to designs that have a lot details that are up to interpretation, so I'm going to attempt to build the entire thing from scratch. I will be taking some design liberties. Wish me luck!

For the color scheme, I wanna do a desert stealth vibe like the black sands coating (pictured below)

Here are the reference pics I took using the blind skull on delta halo as well as the first being a pic I found online:

So far I have most of the chest prototyped out of cheap Eva foam gym mats. It's mostly proportionate but has some fitment issues

It's held together with cable ties for easy disassembly and modification.

I managed to get it fitted, but still need a proper rigging system to take it on and off. I plan on using a Velcro system on the final model so I can pull it however tight I need it. Overall I'm pretty happy with it. It only took me a few hours so I should have it fully prototyped by the end of the week, so I can start building it out of higher quality foam.

Next I'll start on the hip and crotch plates. I'll try my best to keep this thread updated, but I can be a bit scattered brained so my apologies in advance


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Hi and welcome!!! :D

Great start on your build! Best of luck and any questions, i'm sure you'll be able to find a lot of useful information here and plenty of people happy to jump in and help out!
Helmet prototype, using the DFT helmet as a base. It's rough but it serves its purpose. The silhouette is really strong, it just needs a less exaggerated jaw and some extra detail.

I put some tin foil in it just to see what it would look like with a visor

Next up is shins and boots, then it's on to the final build!
Looking great so far Wylie! Was pleasure meeting you at Planet, nice to see the work you're putting in right after joining!
Woah you really improved the helmet especially the silhouette. The only thing I could say is to try to refurbish it a bit like making it seem more neat and put together.
Woah you really improved the helmet especially the silhouette. The only thing I could say is to try to refurbish it a bit like making it seem more neat and put together.
Don't worry, that's on the agenda lol. The final build will use much higher quality foam and contact adhesive instead of hot glue. I'm just trying to get a feel for how it all goes together
Looking good on the progress! Ride that post con motivation! After joining up late last year, keeping the motivation was the tough part to keep my Sean Bradley ODST suit going. I like the rough layout you're doing for the chest and back, getting it made even if rough to redo or clean up later isn't too bad for the sake of learning and staying motivated.

Looking forward to seeing another H2 ODST build! Keep up the good work (y)
It's been a minute lol. I got so caught up on working on it I didn't get to take many progress pics, so I'll just show the finished product

Here I am, equipped with my Battle Rifle courtesy of SpartanSweed! I ultimately decided to strap the chest/shoulder armor to my CIRAS plate carrier which worked like a charm. Due to sizing issues with the jaw piece, I switched gears to the severely underrated NMPD helmet which I think was the right call. I think it meshes better with the color scheme. Speaking of, I ended up just winging it with some of the Khaki green, which ended up looking great. Of course I needed to put some Wile E. Coyote stickers on it and my chest plate as well, alongside having my trusty rocket raccoon and Halo 3 rat on my belt. I also just put on some skating kneepads and used some thigh plates gifted to me by Spartan4204 to pull the look together.

Overall, it certainly not what I set out to do and maybe not what I wanted either, but I'm still happy with the result! I don't plan on ever wearing it again, but it's certainly a great keepsake that I'll hold on to. Finally time to move forward to a full, proper build.
It's been a minute lol. I got so caught up on working on it I didn't get to take many progress pics, so I'll just show the finished productView attachment 348092View attachment 348093View attachment 348094
Here I am, equipped with my Battle Rifle courtesy of SpartanSweed! I ultimately decided to strap the chest/shoulder armor to my CIRAS plate carrier which worked like a charm. Due to sizing issues with the jaw piece, I switched gears to the severely underrated NMPD helmet which I think was the right call. I think it meshes better with the color scheme. Speaking of, I ended up just winging it with some of the Khaki green, which ended up looking great. Of course I needed to put some Wile E. Coyote stickers on it and my chest plate as well, alongside having my trusty rocket raccoon and Halo 3 rat on my belt. I also just put on some skating kneepads and used some thigh plates gifted to me by Spartan4204 to pull the look together.

Overall, it certainly not what I set out to do and maybe not what I wanted either, but I'm still happy with the result! I don't plan on ever wearing it again, but it's certainly a great keepsake that I'll hold on to. Finally time to move forward to a full, proper build.
Love to see it, and I'm glad I got to see you again at C2.
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