Halo 3 Mark VI Helmet PDF

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New Member
Greetings! I'm fairly new to this website, but not new to Pepakura. My current situation doesn't allow me to use Pepakura (I'm on mac), and I was wondering if someone could please spare me the PDF file for the print outs of the MK VI Halo 3 Helmet. Thanks!
Greetings! I'm fairly new to this website, but not new to Pepakura. My current situation doesn't allow me to use Pepakura (I'm on mac), and I was wondering if someone could please spare me the PDF file for the print outs of the MK VI Halo 3 Helmet. Thanks!
Check out my post from a while ago. There's a detailed description (not mine!) on how to use Pep Designer on a Mac.
Glad to help! I've been using it a little in my iMac, but still do most of my pepping on my windows laptop
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