Halo 3 Porn!

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found this on youtube and thought i would share it with you guys , i saw it and couldn't stop laughing for like 10 minutes after wards , "harder than campaign on legendary , with all the skulls on" ftw

sorry to the mods if this is a lil too risque , " the arbiter made me do it"
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hahahahaha by far, best part in the whole video: "check out these fireworks !!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!" *shoots lazer from C#$%* hahaha GOLD !! lol
That's false advertisement... Legendary (1 2 or 3) was never a problem for me, LOL :D
MisterChief said:
I never handled my genetals before, but now I can't stop! hahahaha perfect find man. Funny as hellz!
I love how this thread has 322 hits, roflmao.
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odie1kenobi said:
Oh, good grief! Some people just have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much free time on their hands, among other things!
That's been said about Halo armor many times before.
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odie1kenobi said:
Oh, good grief! Some people just have WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much free time on their hands, among other things!

Yeah....I'm really tired of hearing this ANYWHERE. People can do what they want with their own time...
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Hahahahaha! "Ever get f%$#ed in the a#% by brutes on legendary? Now you can return the favor!" Machinima Gold!
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