Props Halo 3 Sniper Rifle Questions

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Arbiter452 said:
I doubt that Robt McLees would, as you said, "Omit the button".
Robt makes it so that the weapon would have every single thing.
In "The Art of Halo" Robt says "I agonized for a long time just to make sure the assault rifle design had enough room for bolt travel."
Also, could it be that the W is the Mag Release?

EDIT: From what I know, I thought, "Why doesn't the gun's computer automatically drop the clip when it's out of bullets? I mean, it knows how many bullets that are in a clip, it knows how many bullets you've fired, it puts two and two together, and it knows when to drop the clip!"

While it is a computer game and therefore possible that it's computer operated, in real life it'd be a definate no for one reason above all others- Batteries. Batteries go flat and if a sniper team couldn't reload their weapon because it's computer was out of go-go juice they'd be dead in the water. The more complicated things are made the more that can go wrong with them. The "W"as the mag release? I wondered that myself but it seems too big, what if it got bumped in the heat of battle?

As for the "it's just not there theory" like it or not it's the most probable. While it's likely that it was intended to be there have you seen the features on the bonus disks (H2 & H3) at all? Those boys at Bungie were ragged after the completion of the second and third games. When you're working till the eleventh hour sometimes stuff just gets left by the wayside, like a little clip on a gun. Which brings me to my next point...

How it's reloaded in the game. It's just a pull off, push on system like Sparten II noted at the begining of the thread. If they added a mag clip that needed to be pressed than the need would be felt to change this movement too. Small ask is starting to look bigger when the final hour of release looms over your head.

Loess said:
I haven't seen any good reference pics of the underside of the rifle, it's possible that the release would be there.

I didn't post any because there was nothing theree that looked like a mag release. ;)

flying_squirl said:
Would there be any chance it would be built into the clip itself?

Or it could be on the underside just infront of the tigger where juliet76 has circled? I think this is how the L96 one works

I did look under there you know. :p ;)

There is a small "V"shaped recess forward of the mag with what appears to be a screw in it on the underside but that's all. Sorry didn't take a pic of it as it's not what we're looking for but here's a rough idea if you want to go see for yourself.

Lee why don't you end this and just tell us what you did? That'll make everyone happy.:lol:
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it is no a clip,

it is mag i get yelled at by my freind all the time

for "real life" look at the denel ntw-20, althou side loaded it is what the sniper rifle was modeld after (not the M82 a 1)
also just play the game and go into forge mode. play it for a second or 2 bring up the sniper rifle and have your spartan hold it and then go back into video mode and just use that for ref. and save it in your file share

saves a hella lot of time asking for pics
Honestly, that's what I figured you'd do (pressure-fit it), as I couldn't find anything in the ref pics to draw onto the schematics for a release, lol.
LeeKegan said:
I actually made it to slide in and out held by fit because I couldn't find any release on the drawings.
Dóh! Well at least we're all in the same boat. :p

Honestly, that's what I figured you'd do (pressure-fit it), as I couldn't find anything in the ref pics to draw onto the schematics for a release, lol.
I really don't think there is one (see my previous comments). Maybe on the mag? But believe me when I say I've got a good idea what I'm looking for and I can't see one anywhere.

Speaking of previous comments, and what to do about the mag release- definately check out the My Dumb Projects link I posted. He explains his builds really well and puts in heaps of good quality pictures. Just so you don't have to go looking ;) -

Myself. Because said:
Here's also some ideas that might help you with your build Pillow Fire. It's a blog by a guy goes by the name of Blindsquirrel called My dumb projects. He got comissioned to make a sniper rifle for a Cosplayer. He's pretty good.
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