Halo 3 Spike Grenade

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New Member
Hey everybody, so after about 3 months of lurking here (I havent had a account for very long) I decided I was going to make a M6D, well that didnt go very well when my mum squished it just as I had finished the 3 page. So I though why dont I make a Spike grenade out of wood which we had cut down last saturday ( Aus time that is) so after a week of school and widdling the striaght branch and cutting it, I have become stuck with what I should do next make it shortter because it is 51cm (20 inches) and if I should continue making it from wood or make the top bit (the thicker bit) from Pepakura or from wood with my trusty poket knife (man it has every thing on it besides a fork) here are some pictures.



The wood I used is Spotted Gum.

So please give me some advise and tell me if you think im off to a good start.
Hmmmm... Carving a handle with a pocket knife? Any chance you're a boy scout? Lol :pI only say that because I am too. That sounds like something I would have done too about 3 years ago. ;)

I think it's going good! Can't quite tell how long that handle is, (20 inches maybe?) but there's lot of room for interpretation when it comes to spike grenades. Weta has two version, one that's about a foot and a half, and another that's over four feet tall. :pYou could do yours however long you feel is good.

If you're on a tight budget, I wouldn't recommend whittling too many parts out of wood. At some point you'll have to buy some sandpaper and make them look like they weren't carved. Unless, you're going for an ultra-suedo-Brute-tech sort of thing. In which case you would try to make the grenades look like they were handmade. Which might turn out pretty cool in the end. Good luck! ;)
HeavyGunner said:
Hmmmm... Carving a handle with a pocket knife? Any chance you're a boy scout?

I think it's going good! Can't quite tell how long that handle is, (20 inches maybe?) but there's lot of room for interpretation when it comes to spike grenades. Weta has two version, one that's about a foot and a half, and another that's over four feet tall. :pYou could do yours however long you feel is good.

If you're on a tight budget, I wouldn't recommend whittling too many parts out of wood. At some point you'll have to buy some sandpaper and make them look like they weren't carved. Unless, you're going for an ultra-suedo-Brute-tech sort of thing. In which case you would try to make the grenades look like they were handmade. Which might turn out pretty cool in the end. Good luck! ;)

To the boy scout thing no im not a boy scout.

About how you cant tell how long the handle is I said 20 inches I know you read that.

The size of the weta thing its like normal and holy **** thats big.

Yes I am going after the Brute tech sort of thing.

Thanks for the help and incorgement (I know its spelt wrong.)
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About how you cant tell how long the handle is I said 20 inches I know you read that.

Oh jeez, I'm so sorry! I actually didn't see that. :( Serves me right for trying to type that post at midnight. I guess I was too tired to notice. My bad. :p

Good luck with this! I'm looking forward to seeing how this comes along. ;)
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