Halo Ce Marine, Higher Res Files

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I know I haven't. I got everything marked out on it, but never finished. Too darn busy I guess.
i guess its a update.

Due to the lack of time and a lot of frustration i will NOT be making the marines shin armor, i am sorry about this and how long its taken to say anything about it, but because of my sisters wedding and a small vacation i had no time and now no will to finish it.
Sorry to hear that man. I really like your H1 Marine stuff and was hoping to see the rest of it finished, but personal life stuff does come first. I do hope that someday you could return to it, or even just release an unfinished piece for someone else to finish.
sorry to bump this ancient thread of mine but i still have some files here that could use an unfold, i would ask some people but i already have some working on unfolds, anyone want to try?
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