Halo Reach Falcon PC Case HELP!!!!

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Please Note That This Is A Copy OF A Post I Made To The Facebook Page, It was Only In Hindsight That I Posted It Here To Increase Chances Of It Being Seen.

So quick question, does it count if I create a cosplay suit for a PC case? LOL ok let me clarify. With Halo Infinite coming to PC next year I decided to be ambitious and for my second build create a custom PC case. (the good ones are $100 plus so might as well make it worth my while right) I decided to create a case that looks like the Falcon from Halo Reach. The only problem is I have no experience with 3d design whatsoever.

Luckily Im a custodian at a university with an engineering department, an engineering department with a student who is also into Halo, knows 3d design, and has access to a 3d printer. After some talk we agreed that it would be best to find an existing file that is editable so that parts can be filled and hollowed out as needed to fit the components. Only problem is that I CANT FIND ANY!!!!!! (insert sound of me banging me head into my desk repeatedly here)

Then, after a slight concussion, an idea! Now tbh I have never tried Pepakura before and have just admired all of yalls cool designs as a fan. That said, my base understanding is that Pep files are created so that the parts can be edited hollow within certain software, (which is how yall make the awesome suits). So by chance would anyone have a Pep file (or better yet the 3D design files) of the Falcon that they would be willing to share and then me and my friend can try and use it to 3d print the parts needed for the case?

ps. sorry for the long winded dialogue, had a long day at work and when Im this tired I tend to somewhat babble LOL.

Thanks in advance!
There was a few that I pinged through Yeggi. The only downside with Yeggi is that quality is sometimes all over the place but hey, at least it's a start!

Ill probably get a 2060 and then the current 6 core i7.

What games you play?
Does Fusion 360 count as a game? At this point it's what I log the most time in on my PC.

I was playing a bunch of Monster Hunter World and I've got the Borderlands itch again but for the most part my gaming time is handheld on the Switch (Tales of Vesperia, Breath of the Wild) because of gaming in short bursts during con-crunch season.
I hear ya the reason I never really got into the cosplay, build a set of armor vibe was because I don't have the finances to go to conventions. therefore didn't make sense to put the money into a suit that would barely get to use you know.
Update! Someone on one of the Discord channels I subscribe to sent me the obj and bitmap/texture file for the Falcon from the game! By chance does anyone know how to compile the two into one file so that the textures are applied to the model itself? The files are attached. At work so I haven't had time to go explore Google.


  • falconBitmaps.zip
    8.6 MB · Views: 359
OK, so an IT friend suggested that I go with AMD to save money on my CPU and then allocate that funds towards a better GPU, RAM, SSD, etc.
Heres the new parts list.

As far as the case itself goes, running into some problems with manipulating the OBJ file, will update as things develop.
Progress update .... sorta. Well I was finally able to export the model in a format that my friend software could read it turns out that the way it was built it's just an empty shell and so it cannot be printed or modified the way we need to in order to turn it into a case. we also realized if we were to print these components at the whole entire thing would be 3 ft long from nose to tail.

Well I am discouraged I haven't given up. I just need time to let my brain rest cuz work this week has been murder and so I can't really think straight at the moment.
Why the 2080 with ryzen 5?

I would honestly suggest getting a better CPU and something like a 2070 instead. You would be getting way better bang for buck; the 2080 is way overpriced. I think that ryzen 5 is gonna be a bottleneck, you would get better frames with a faster processor.
Why the 2080 with ryzen 5?

I would honestly suggest getting a better CPU and something like a 2070 instead. You would be getting way better bang for buck; the 2080 is way overpriced. I think that ryzen 5 is gonna be a bottleneck, you would get better frames with a faster processor.
It's more of a place holder I'm gonna get the new gen processor that they are announcing this summer
Sorry about the lack of an update my friends, having ran into technological difficulties with building a ship I've been reconsidering how to do this will update more sometime tonight if I can.
Okay, so after some down and out days due to being unsuccessfull with coming up with a viable vehicle design I have had an epiphany! I am going to create a pc case that looks like the Pillar of Autumn, I had previously considered this but wasn't sure how to structurally support it but then I remembered reading in the novels how it had a honeycomb framework.
pillar of autumn cross section - Bing images

While this will not encompass the entire inside it will enough to give it the proper support. Once I get some sketches done ill post!
haven't done anything outside of some sketches. I work at a university and so the past couple weeks has been crazy at work getting ready for graduation. Once summer starts and things are quiet thats when the fun will really start!
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