Halo reach Gun gets shot out of hand Glitch!

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Well-Known Member
im not sure about this. yes i know im taking a break from the 405th but is it bad to visit every once in a while :3 . this is very weird ok im playing swat i am getting shot all of a sudden i drop my Dmr???? who knows why but then i automatically pull out my pistol then i die. so my dmr got shot out of my hands. pulled out a magnum( i was alive during this) then died. here are some pictures so u guys know what i am talking about also check my fileshare for the video. agh! using crappy internet explorer so i cant post the pics but just look at my fileshare here~ http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=10708498&player=popcorn1332
just a physics problem in the game engine. The physics of the gun simply noticed you being dead already before your character being dead animation began.
this happend to me again lol. i was in swat on swordbase dropped my dmr pulled out pistol then died.... this seems to be happening only on swat.
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