Happy Holidays!

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Active Member
I guess I might as well just throw out my English Haiku that I did last year the became a family Christmas card, so here it goes.

Snow falls from gray skies.
All is peaceful and quiet.
As the year goes by.

It does have a meaning, if you can't see it, its talking about snow falling from the gray sky, and when it snows, no matter what, its always quiet, and the last part represents a year going by. So it can be used in two different ways, Christmas and New Years.
Redsleighdown said:
sweet and simple, i like it
Aren't all haikus sweet and simple?

I like that on though. Most of the otherone I've seen/made were just very forced without much meaning. Yours is very good though. although a haiku you made in english class isn't what I expected when clicking on a 'Happy Holidays' thread, but whatever.
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I just started it with it, I meant for this thread to be used by all and give any holiday regards to eachother, its not just for that Haiku.
Aren't all haikus sweet and simple?

Murder, bloor and gore
execute the innocent
leave no survivors

...so no.

Zeke30695 said:
I just started it with it, I meant for this thread to be used by all and give any holiday regards to eachother, its not just for that Haiku.

I think i might wait a few weeks before wishing people a happy holidays ;)
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