How do I make a visor? PLEASE HELP.

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Spartan Primer

New Member
Hey everyone! So My suit is almost complete, only need to do the helmet. The problem is that in my cosplaying journey this will be my first helmet that has a VISOR. I already have a material for making it mirror like, but what should i use for the physical visor part? Fiberglass? Please help! Here are some pictures of the rest of the armor, but i have since taking these finished my boots. And sorry for the bad quality.

IMG_1895.JPG IMG_1899.JPG IMG_1905.JPG
Best thing I've seen people do is use plastic sheets. There's a tutorial on the ODST helmet visor that says to use sheets that are thick enough to hold it's shape but thin enough to be folded without breaking.
Are you planning on making a visor? If you are, then you will need to use a clear plastic like petg plastic. With that you can heat and vacuum form it, or just heat and bend it if you work slowly. Vacuum forming usually gives the best results for custom visors with compound curves, but it requires tools that you will have to make/buy/borrow. If you don't want to make one, there are options to purchase visors, but the best option usually ends up being using motorcycle visors. Doing that is quick and they are durable, but you don't get all the custom forms and details of a helmet specific visor.
It depends on the helmet, if you want to make halo 5s headmaster, there is no way your going to Freeland it and it will have to be vacuum formed. If it is a more simple design you can use plexus glass and heat it up with a heat gun and then bend it into shape. I will have a tutorial on this up in about a week or so, but most people buy a motorcycle visor and glue that in. I've heard you can get them cheap from thrift stores or a good will or something of the sort
Are you planning on making a visor? If you are, then you will need to use a clear plastic like petg plastic. With that you can heat and vacuum form it, or just heat and bend it if you work slowly. Vacuum forming usually gives the best results for custom visors with compound curves, but it requires tools that you will have to make/buy/borrow. If you don't want to make one, there are options to purchase visors, but the best option usually ends up being using motorcycle visors. Doing that is quick and they are durable, but you don't get all the custom forms and details of a helmet specific visor.

I am planning on using the Recruit helmet. Do you think a vacuum seal would be necessary for that?
That depends on how accurate you want. There is a recessed detail that runs through the visor. If you want that, then pretty much yes, you will need to vacuum form it. Unless you want to free hand grind it into the helmet, or go with a fake recess with paint/decals/dye. If you aren't going for that accurate at this stage, then a plain visor and maybe a little heat forming will work for it to get the shape right.
I am also making a recruit helmet, and that was what my visor was for! if it stops raining out side I will try and finish it, and get it posted on the forums, but as geijin said, if you want that perfect detail and groove, you have to do what he said. I am cheesing it slightly because my first two attempts to get that detail didn't work to well.
I just made a pretty good visor with transparency sheets (like for a projector) and window tinting. Cut to shape, tint, and then glue in place.
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