How To Make Gears Of War Cog Tags

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Spawn Camp3r said:
what ever happened to standard dog tags a gear just doesn't make since, but cool none the less.

Someone thought it would be cute. "Cogtags! That's brilliant! It rhymes with dogtags, and they're COGs! OMG, I'm gonna call my BFF Jill!"
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Why is masterchief green? It's not very good cameoflauge. Not, it isn't, but green is the primary color of the UNSC marines.

Why is spiderman red and blue? Have you ever seen a spider that has those colors? Yes, the spider that bit him in the movie was blue and red.

Why do we use keyeboards? There are probably plenty of other methods of synthesizing text in a computer. Indeed there are, but the QWERTY keyboard is the most efficient.

The cog tags are just one more thing to go along with the GoW name.
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