How to make yourself taller

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Sarge Christi

Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Alrighty, I don't know how tall all of you are, but for people like me who are 5'4", I need help.

I've gone to many different sources. Of course, a Spartan would look silly wearing high heels, so I decided to put together some things that should help you gain aroun 5-6" on your height.

Buy proper boots. First, make sure they're comfortable, then, see how much taller they make you. Boots with a heel, (not high heel) will give you a good inch.

Now, this is a pricey boot, running at about $130, it's steel toed, but what I wanted you to notice is the heel. This heel will help you gain about a 1/2-1inch.

Or, if you have a walmart near you..

I'd get a pair of these. They're about $33 and they will lift you off the ground. (Yes, they come in black)

These boots have a decent heels and will give you that lift you want.

Of if you want to be sneaky, these boots promise to give you 3.5" of height.

Go to and buy these boots if you want them.

Now that you have the boots. You're still lacking a few inches. :mad:
Calm down eager McBeaver, I'm getting there.

Now, you'll want to get shoe lifts. Sometimes they can be a bit pricey, but they will give you up to 4" of lift.
An obvious place to go would be

These are male 3" shoe lifts. They run at $44.

There are cheaper ones, but it's harder to find ones much taller.

Or go to ebay and find matrix shoe lifts, they are cheaper and promise to raise your height.

With all this, me a 5'4" person can easily become 6' tall.
Hoped this helps anyone who needs it.
Your not counting the few inches that the "mohawk" on the helmet will give ya :p

But nonetheless, STICKY THIS THREAD!!!


Thanks Christi, you just made me 6 foot 6!

Not a bad method at all. You should post the links for this in the Off the Shelf Tips sticky.

I'm still going to use the old NAS platform boots trick. $60 and less work for me.

But I'm just lazy like that. ;)
Alrighty guys.
And Fitz, I know your helmet adds inches. But, this is just to help you gain a few extra inches.

I will put this is up in the tut. thingy.

PS. The last pair of boots are MADE to make people taller.
By putting those on, you'll gain 3.5", and if you get the shoe lifts off ebay, you could be lifted another 5", making you 8.5" taller.
Sarge Christi said:
Alrighty guys.
And Fitz, I know your helmet adds inches. But, this is just to help you gain a few extra inches.

I will put this is up in the tut. thingy.
PS. The last pair of boots are MADE to make people taller.
By putting those on, you'll gain 3.5", and if you get the shoe lifts off ebay, you could be lifted another 5", making you 8.5" taller.

8.5" taller! id be 6'11.5"!!! thats unreal!
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Thanks it really helped! :lol: It made me taller. (obvious)
At school every one makes fun of me because im short, but thats just because they are abnormaly tall :)
I would so do this if I ever got my hands on some armor. With the helmet I'm guessing around 7'3", depending on padding.
Christi you are awesome, great ideas, I'll have to try if i ever get around to gettin off my butt and get my helmet done.

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