How to make yourself taller

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great method! another good way to do this is make your suit to the chief's scale, and you will have a lot of extra room in your big boots, then get an old pair of shoes and some wood, you can make "mini stilts" inside the MC boots, and use the soles from the shoes to line the underside of the wood, just so you dont get unneccesary noise when you walk, i will be posting a tutorial on this soon!
Overlord_Ian said:
great method! another good way to do this is make your suit to the chief's scale, and you will have a lot of extra room in your big boots, then get an old pair of shoes and some wood, you can make "mini stilts" inside the MC boots, and use the soles from the shoes to line the underside of the wood, just so you dont get unneccesary noise when you walk, i will be posting a tutorial on this soon!

AWH!! You beat me too it! heh I was just about to post about stiltys...hehe good thinking Ian :lol:

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overlord - good idea.

unfortunately, Im VERY short, and no amount of lifts or 3" soles on shoes, would make me tall enough to wear a spartan armor without it looking really funny. If your idea pans out, please post a tutorial; that's sounds like the best option for us height challenged (read: Under 5' 6") halo fans.
Thought I would throw my solution into the mix, I scaled the boots just slightly bigger then my shoe size, I then set the fiberglassed boot against cardboard and traced the outline of the sole. I did this about 7-8 times then hot glued them together and hot glued them to the bottom to a pair of boots. I sealed the bottom of the boots with a layer of hotglue and added a coating of that spray on rubber stuff for hammers and whatnot. I then took cardboard and cut them in the shape of those heel lifters and added a layer of foam on the top part that rests agains your foot and hotglued them into the sole. The end result added about 6in to my height and SUPER cushioned Boot with plenty of grip. Perfect for those long cons.

Sigma-LS said:
Not a bad method at all. You should post the links for this in the Off the Shelf Tips sticky.

I'm still going to use the old NAS platform boots trick. $60 and less work for me.
But I'm just lazy like that. ;)

That would make me 7ft 4in. Perfect!!! (y)
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