i am VERY new with pepakura, and want some advice for a helmet to make

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Banshee sundae

New Member
hello, as you can see i am very new with pepakura, i am so far only able to make a treasure chest the size of my hand (it's lame).

i wanted to know if there is a basic helmet i can make, as a starter.

thank you,

Banshee sundae
I would have to say dont start with a helmet. Its not going to come out very good being your first full scale pep. Helmets a VERY detailed and complex. I made 3 helmets before ending up with one i liked. If your building full armor tart with something easy first like a bicep or shin. This will allow you to get more used to pep as well as scaling.
I would have to disagree on that one... my first two full scale pros were the rundown warmachine and odst rookie helmet. The rookie helmet came out perfect and the warmachine was more then good enough; I believe it's a case by case basis dependent on your comfortability and time you can put in
I would have to say dont start with a helmet. Its not going to come out very good being your first full scale pep. Helmets a VERY detailed and complex. I made 3 helmets before ending up with one i liked. If your building full armor tart with something easy first like a bicep or shin. This will allow you to get more used to pep as well as scaling.

i am kind of lucky because the scale is litreally perfect for me, but i see what you mean. thanks for the tip :)
I would have to disagree on that one... my first two full scale pros were the rundown warmachine and odst rookie helmet. The rookie helmet came out perfect and the warmachine was more then good enough; I believe it's a case by case basis dependent on your comfortability and time you can put in

Maybe it was just the one i used. I made the ODST Helmet by NZ-TK. It was really hard. I haven't seen very many people make it with much success. There are some though.
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