Introduction/halo Inspired Armor Piece

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Hello Members of the 405th Infantry!

I'm Trooper036, real name: Brandon Michael. I also go by BlackFox. I'm a huge Halo fan, as are most of us on this site. I'm mostly a PC gamer though, so I play more things like Battlefield and Dawn of War. I first heard of this community from this DIY halo armour video:
, and I decided that I was going to join this community and try my own hand at DIY armour.

Unfortunately, I have NO experience whatsoever building armour. None whatsoever. Though it is much more comforting joining this knowledgeable community, I will admit.

My penultimate goal is to build a suit of original armour, of which is loosely based off of the MJOLNIR suit. I am trying for a more sleek look to this armour of mine, which is influenced more by the smooth curves of Space Marine armour.

My questions are as follows:

1) My armour has no 3-d file to import into pepekura, as it's only in the concept art phase, and I'm not overly blessed with the money to buy a program like AC3D (which is the only one I have mastered, all others have too high of a learning curve). Question: How would I go about the initial construction? Would I have to get a 3d program and do it all from there, or should I just do it on paper and hope it scales right?

2) I'm going for a smooth curved armour, and so far I haven't really seen much in the way of creating a good curve. What would you recommend for creating a curved surface using cardstock?

3) I want a visor which isn't horrendously big, so that my helmet doesn't look all bulbous. What size would be good for a MJOLNIR type visor?

And that's all I can think of...I believe I have a concept art piece of what I intend to make
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To me, it Looks like a Heavy trooper marine, armor wise it's one step-up from ODST because it's power armor but one below Spartan because so shields. I like it allot ;)
Trooper036 said:
Hello Members of the 405th Infantry!

I'm Trooper036, real name: Brandon Michael. I also go by BlackFox. I'm a huge Halo fan, as are most of us on this site. I'm mostly a PC gamer though, so I play more things like Battlefield and Dawn of War. I first heard of this community from this DIY halo armour video:
, and I decided that I was going to join this community and try my own hand at DIY armour.

Unfortunately, I have NO experience whatsoever building armour. None whatsoever. Though it is much more comforting joining this knowledgeable community, I will admit.

My penultimate goal is to build a suit of original armour, of which is loosely based off of the MJOLNIR suit. I am trying for a more sleek look to this armour of mine, which is influenced more by the smooth curves of Space Marine armour.

My questions are as follows:

1) My armour has no 3-d file to import into pepekura, as it's only in the concept art phase, and I'm not overly blessed with the money to buy a program like AC3D (which is the only one I have mastered, all others have too high of a learning curve). Question: How would I go about the initial construction? Would I have to get a 3d program and do it all from there, or should I just do it on paper and hope it scales right?

2) I'm going for a smooth curved armour, and so far I haven't really seen much in the way of creating a good curve. What would you recommend for creating a curved surface using cardstock?

3) I want a visor which isn't horrendously big, so that my helmet doesn't look all bulbous. What size would be good for a MJOLNIR type visor?

And that's all I can think of...I believe I have a concept art piece of what I intend to make

Looks pretty cool. But your probably going to need a 3D Program like 3D Studio Max or Auto CAD. Although there are free and inexpensive alternatives like Blender 3D which is free or Sketchup by google. Once you have those you can model and import to Pepakura and create it.

Otherwise you'll have to make it from scratch using cardboard or something.

Also I would recommend fleshing out the drawings you have a bit more. Then creating a front, side, and back view of the armor all in proportion. This will serve as a template for your model.

If your new to modeling there is a guy named Ben Mathis, who has some amazing video tutorials for character modeling from initial concept to 3D model. They really helped me when I was getting into 3D modeling. Here is a link to his site. Hope that helped and good luck with your project.
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I recommend Blender if you want to start modeling those, unless you can get 3DS Max for the low, low price of over $1000.

Also, if I could amkea recommendation, you should flesh out and amplify the details in your suit/drawing.

Anyways, good luck!
Kirrou said:
Looks pretty cool. But your probably going to need a 3D Program like 3D Studio Max or Auto CAD. Although there are free and inexpensive alternatives like Blender 3D which is free or Sketchup by google. Once you have those you can model and import to Pepakura and create it.

Otherwise you'll have to make it from scratch using cardboard or something.

Also I would recommend fleshing out the drawings you have a bit more. Then creating a front, side, and back view of the armor all in proportion. This will serve as a template for your model.

If your new to modeling there is a guy named Ben Mathis, who has some amazing video tutorials for character modeling from initial concept to 3D model. They really helped me when I was getting into 3D modeling. Here is a link to his site. Hope that helped and good luck with your project.

Thanks for linking me! I'm gonna spend most of the weekend looking through this. Right as I posted the image, I did realize it isn't even close to fleshed out, thanks for the reminder!
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ImaGonnaGetYou said:
I recommend Blender if you want to start modeling those, unless you can get 3DS Max for the low, low price of over $1000.

Also, if I could amkea recommendation, you should flesh out and amplify the details in your suit/drawing.

Anyways, good luck!

Thank ya, good sir! I'll get right on it!

Also, your avatar is win
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Queen said:
If you ever make pep files for this, I totally want to try building that. :)

Oh dear. That would be an epic day if you made up a suit of my armor. xD

Well, I guess my work is cut out for me, then!
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Roadwarrior said:
Is it alright if I try to make this in 3D also?

the helmet is the PUREST OF PURE win.

Erm, you want to make the helmet?

If you wait for a few hours, I can get that piece drawn up.
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Roadwarrior said:
I would like to make all the armour pieces(If you don't mind), I just love the helmet.

Well, I think then you might like the updated version I'm working on. I'll post the new concepts up tomorrow.

I'll keep the first design, but I do have a different design that might work better, which I'll also post up.
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your armor looks really good, I see where your trying to incorporate the space marine into it.

I would totally build that suit as well :D i like how smooth it is :D the helmet does look pretty sick

Okay, people! Seems like my Imperial Mk.6 "Imperator" armour went over pretty well, and here's the profile/back/front view of the Mk.6b, the final concept.

Just a small bit of background:

This armour is from my personal *in progress* novel called: "Warriors of the Ark", a story about a huge civil war taking place about 500,000 years in the future. This particular suit is worn by support gunners of the monarchy called the Imperium. It is lighter built than frontline armour, but has built in sensors and reinforced plating. It uses a high level energy shield around the body to protect the user from about 40% of damage dealt by laser weapons and 20% from projectile weapons.

The undersuit of the armour uses flexible diamond dust bonded nanotubes in order to facilitate easy movement. This also allows the user to exert three times their normal strength if they need to. Coupled with a heavy weapon, this make for a stable firing platform.

Wow that's perfect for modeling and also really nice.

It wont let me save it, use a image hosting site like do the same for the other one to please. The first one could be a Mk5 xD
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