Jocko03's MKVI armor build (Pic Heavy)

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This is my first armor build, but I actually started on the helmet almost 2 years ago. I went through 3 helmets, first one was crushed when it was about half done, second one almost flew out of my truck and the resulting catch broke it, and the third is the current. Most of this has been done in the past few months. I have put pretty much everything on hold in my life to try to crank this armor out before my son is born. Luckily I have an awesome wife and she is ok with me dedicating my time to this. So without further adieu, here is what I have gotten done so far
The smaller is a mess up in scaling.
This one, the smaller is the better size.
So from what I can tell, all the scaling is looking good so far. The helmet is the only thing that has made it past pepping, but I plan to work on everything at the same time. Any input would be greatly appreciated, and I will keep you posted on my progress. As of right now, I am working on the left thigh, once that is done all I have left is the cod and the entire left is done.
Wow, I am quite jealous. Your pepping looks very clean all around the board. I wish mine was that good. The helmet is looking great so far, and you're doing a wonderful job with the Bondo. I am quite excited to see where this project goes. Hopefully in a positive direction. Good luck with your suit, and your son.
Sooooooo..... Update! I started on the left thigh last night and now its done. here is what Ive got.


Alright, so mini update. I have the front and sides of the cod pepped out, sorry no pics. It's late and I'm beat, just wanted to keep you posted, should have it done tomorrow. I may still be able to get it done by haloween.
Update time. So I finally got my cod piece done, I haven't really worked on it for a few days. But, I am afraid that it is too small. FAIL! i cant put it on when its together. I dont know if that is bad or not, but im leaning towards that it is. Please help me out here, it looked like it was going to be ok when it was just the front and sides, but once together it was a no go. Is this something that is easily remedied when it is split? Or should i just re make it. here are some pics of it any way, sorry they are not the best. I had to move my work station.

Yes I know the logo is off center
Nice job so far, On your cod piece you wanted to know if it was small should you build it again, that all depends on how small it is, you usually have to split it apart and attach it to some kind of belt so it will tighten to your waiste like a belt, so if it seems like it would look ok when you wear it around your waste then you should be ok, but if it looks like its crushing your stomach in when you wear it, then you may want to build it a little larger, my guess is if you split it into a few pieces and attach it to some sort of belt you will probably be ok
With the cod the main thing with scale, is if its in proportion with the rest of the suit (If that made sense lol). Any way the suit is looking great, clean peps all-round!

Thank you guys so much, I think it will be ok once it is in belt form, i just cant put it on right now. I guess if it does end up too small, I can just remake it. Thanks again. I think im going to start on the right side today.4 more pieces and im done pepping. I am hoping to be able to finish them by the end of the month so I have a whole month for fiberglass and bondo. I really want to have it done for halloween.
It all looks soo good, i wish all your pieces were ripped into a wormhole that expelled them to my table...
Seeing as that is not probable i think i'll just continue pepping...

I don't know about putting a deadline on yourself though mate, it doesn't feel good when the days pass and your not where you thought you'd be. Not saying it won't be completed in time but i've done the same thing to myself and yeah, the feeling of the additional pressure surely isn't helping me.

Ohhh, and good luck!!! It is all looks fantastic, there is no reason why you should not have an awesome build, your skills are definately of a high tier.
Mini update. I actually finished my right boot on Sunday, but haven't taken pics yet. I haven't been pepping this week because work is crazy but I should get back on it tonight an I want to try to finish the last 3 pieces before Sunday, because I am taking everything to a friends house and we are going to resin and glass everything(hopefully everything). So I will take pics of the pep once it's done and will try to take lots of pics on Sunday.
Update!!! Ok, so I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but if it is pepped, then it is now resined. Plus I got fiber glassing done on one boot and toe cap, the ab plate, both hand plates, helf an ODST shoulder, and both calves. At leste the fiberglass cloth part is done. I left it at my friends house so hopefully he feels froggy this week and does some work on them. I also only have to pep out the right thigh and forearm, so as long as i dont slack off this week, they will be done for next weekend. But I know nobody looks at these for what I am saying, so here are my progress pics for today!!







I also found out that resin eats red beer cups like you wouldnt believe, you can see them sagging in some of the pictures.... Just a heads up
I have been dragging @$$ on this and it has been kinda making me mad, but "real life" has been killing my build time. On the up side, my wife is happy, so now hopefully back to a steady pace. I got my right thigh finished today, and now only have the right forearm to pep. I also plan on having another big work day on Sunday at my friends house, hopefully this one is more productive than last week. I will keep posting progress, hopefully you will keep checking and commenting, feel free to let me know if I am doing something wrong or anything.


I hate rain, it rained for 2 days straight, and my friend left his garage with my resined pieces open, I think we can salvage them, but I might have to remake the cod. I did get some glassing done on my thigh, other boot, forearm and the other half of the ODST shoulder. I brought everything home, but the resin smell is seeping into the house so my wife isn't exactly happy. Hopefully I will have a good happy update soon, here are the pictures of the messed up pieces

Wow! I like the way your armor has gone so far. You got a lot of progress going on and always update timely. Plus the helmet looks great! I hope you get this finnished in time for halloween...
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