Know Any Good Books?

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:ninja: Robert Jordans wheel of time is really good if you like Fantasy. But if you wast a REALLY good book, I agree with some of the others, Enders Game is the one fo you.
now although this has been mentioned. but i had to put my two cents in

oroson scott card and the enders game series.

the books include:
Enders Game
Speaker for the dead
Childeren of the mind

Enders shadow
Shadow of the hegemon
shadow puppets
shadow of the giant
first meetings

i have only read the first 5 and was very impressed with how they were written. if you into scifi read enders game and if you want another characters view of the world read enders shadow.. about the same story but different views and lifestyles.

i would highly recomend this series to anyone who likes scifi/action/adventure/war/politics.... politics not much but its really well writen..

an english teacher that i know now teaches useing the book enders game. if your in a lump pick it up its a good read and will change the way you look at things today.

as for anyone interested enders game final screen play for the movie orrson scott card had finished it and has submitted it as of February 25, 2009... i cant wait to see how that one turns out!
Crime and Punishment bu Feodor toskejdunekmnsnkeyeyey(I don't know who to spell his name, but th is awsome)

Your right enders game is fall of reach.
Brian Lumley's "Necroscope" series... new take on vampires with none of the "romance" of the latest trends... brutal, bloody, and a new twist on the fallen one... many books:
Necroscope II: Wamphyri!
Necroscope The Lost Years
Necroscope The Lost Years, Resurgence!
Necroscope III: The Source
Necroscope IV: Deadspeak
Necroscope V: Deadspawn
Blood Brothers
The Last Aerie
I must second enders game. It is a MUST read. especially if your into sci-fi military books and they even have children protagonists. Card is AWESOME. Yes that deserved caps.

Another couple of books that are sci-fi is:

Old Man's War is also a very good sci-fi militarish book with lots of humer,but it has swearing and lots of it and sexual references,but for older teens and adults its fin, nothing too graphic that I've read in ther series yet. Not that I recall and I would remember that. I think my favorite scene is when they first get something called a brain pal and they all names them...

Also if you an assasins creed fan, this might be interesting,but I have NOT read this yet, so yeah read at your own risk:
well, if you're into this sort of book, the Eragon series are some pretty good books, long, but good. I read a lot of war books, so Soldier Boys, Fallen Angels and, Sunrise Over Fallujah are some good ones. Catch 22 is also really good, but really hard to follow and makes you angry at it sometimes.
RadioaciveMicrobe said:
Two really good ones:

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

Breathers; this one is more of a comedy. A zom-rom-com as they call it, and it's got some good humor. It's about the life of a zombie trying to fit into society.

Also, the Star Wars series that describe the universe after the Movies are really good too.
If you read World War Z, you must read the Zombie Survival Guide by the same author, Max Brooks

Also, if you are into the magic type books like me, the Bartimeus Trilogy is really good. The Amulet of Samarkand, The Golem's Eye, and Ptolemy's Gate.

the Pendragon series is also very good, and if you start now you will probably not have to wait for the last one to come out.

Artemis Fowl is another of my favorite series.
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I don't read fantasy, but if you want good combat, pick up Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. I went through all 700+ pages of that book in four days- couldn't put it down. I would also suggest Lone Survivor, which is non-fiction, but so incredible it could easily be a Clancy novel. Roberts Ridge is another piece of military nonfiction worth the read.

BTW, can anyone vouch for the Starfist series? Are they any good?
Most Tom Clancy books are good, my favorite Tom Clancy is Rainbow six too. My all time favorite books are the Republic Commando series with Foster's War in second.
Not quite sure if anyone did this, but first off the halo books, such as :
Fall of reach
The flood
The first strike
ghost of onyx
contact harvest
cole protocol

and seriously, First book i think, Twilight
Im 1/4 of the book, took alot of interest and now im 100 percent sure im gonna finish the book.
I too like to read war novels, one author that caught my attention was Patrick Davis.
"The Colonel"
"The General"
"A slow walk to Hell"
"A long day for dying"
These novels are murder mystery on U.S. Bases. Cloak and Dagger.
I was thinking no one was going to mention that book! "The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection From the Living Dead" Max Brooks must be crazy, but its still a good book. haha

xxFemaleSpartanxx said:
I gotta recommend the Twilight series! Although, I'm not sure if they'll appeal to the guys as much as us girls. Anyway, once you start reading them, you won't be able to put the book down!

They made the movie too :)

Guys should really consider this. If you're like my brother and I then you might find Edward quite hilarious.
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I recommend the Alex Rider series.
Its a great action series about a 14 year old boy spy. Its also british, so that may be of appeal to some.
Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series is an excellent fantasy epic, it has lots of deep undercurrents to ponder over even "meaning of life stuff".

It's alot to get through but well worth it. It starts off in nearly the same way as Robert Jordon's Wheel of Time series (another great set of fantasy stories, which I've nearly finished the currently released books.... Bring on November when the next one comes out!!)
Keegan said:
I recommend the Alex Rider series.
Its a great action series about a 14 year old boy spy. Its also british, so that may be of appeal to some.

Agreed and the movie isn't half bad either,but I prefer the books. Though I haven't read them all.
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There are definatly some awesome books being suggested. Steven King is great, always for just about everything hes written. Don't get me wrong, I love Tolkien, but if you arent used to reading a very English book, then some of what he writes will be difficult to get through.
Im a huge fan of Heinlein. I love his work. "Stranger in a Strange Land' was increadible, and one of my favorite books of all time is his 'Straship Troopers' (which is nothing like the movie. 'The Moon is a Hash Mistress' is also very good.
And being from Cape Cod I grew up on Kurt Vonnegut Jr. His book 'Slaughterhouse 5' is by far one of the most powerful books Ive ever read.
IF you're feeling adventurous, Elizabeth Moon wrote two series, one called 'The Deed of Paksenarrion' and the other 'The Planet Pirates". Both are very good.
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