legendary helm

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New Member
ok kool i just took apart my legnedary edition helm in one hour. ill post pics later but im trying to assemble it now and it souldn't take long.

PS if ur trying to assemble it use hot glue(carefully ) or use super glue to make ceritan parts fit.
ok i'm done ill post some pics in the morning. it took a total of 1hour :20min and very little glue. i hope to make a mold of it if i can make it a little biger. does any1 have ideas on how to do just that>????

LastSpartan said:
Post your pics when your finished
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lol i took apart my legendary helmet was the one who posted putting on my legendary helmet on youtube.com i would say go for it i used my legendary helmet for halloween but dont suggest you mode it because inside is all rugged inside so the helmet will be messed up.
yea well im done so i plan to put clay evenlyaround it or ill coverit in papermashe ans add carbon fiber.

sinjiki said:
lol i took apart my legendary helmet was the one who posted putting on my legendary helmet on youtube.com i would say go for it i used my legendary helmet for halloween but dont suggest you mode it because inside is all rugged inside so the helmet will be messed up.
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