Cortana monologues over the smoldering remains of a battlefield then a debris cluster from a space battle over Sigma Octanus IV.
Cortana: When the Covenant first appeared in the orbit of Harvest… First Contact was meant to be a celebration, humanity no longer needed to drift the stars alone. It took days, not years for the war to start. It was first contact with the enemy. Humanity wasn’t prepared for the Covenant. But you were, we made sure of it. Gave you all the power we needed you to have.
The words start in an alien script then translate to English “Sigma Octanus IV, Enroute to Truth and Reconciliation”
A Phantom flies into view, and we cut to the Covenant raiding party inside the drop ship, they are loudly bickering. One figure in Jackal armor that clearly doesn’t fit on them is sitting in a jump seat dazed. During a clever panning shot, the language switches from alien to human, denoting that this is what the Covenant hears, not them switching speech.
A brute – Tartarus - is mad his brother is dead and wants to know how it happened. Anytime the figure in the chair – a human named Makee – attempts to speak, the brute shouts her down, calling her worm and hound – like hunting hound, not the other word. A backhanded slap from Tartarus removes her helmet, to reveal she is in fact a human. The Elite in gold armor – Thel ‘Vadaam – remains calm but focused on the holy relic in his hand and the dazed Makee.
Tartarus: The demons were there. How did they know of the Oracles location! This heathen species knows nothing of our gods. Yet, they were there!
Thel ‘Vadaam: It is possible they tracked us, or simply got lucky. Calm yourself.
Tatarus: Did the worm call them?
Makee: No… The Oracle called.. The Oracle…
Tartarus: I’ve had enough of your babbling -
goes to crush her throat.
‘Vadaam: Wait! (to Makee) the Oracle spoke? What did it say, Diviner?
Makee (trying to focus): The Oracle…a weapon… Forgive me, my mind… It called. No… It asked me if I was a…
Opening credits
Alien to English “High Charity, Sanctum of the Hierarchs”
An unharmed – and a few days younger – Makee stands in front of the Prophet of Mercy reciting the prayer of the Great Journey. She wears religious regalia that looks similar to the Prophets. As she prays, flashes of her life in captivity play before her: beaten into submission, standing in front of strange objects with the Prophet watching over her, endless indoctrination lessons.
The Prophet calls her Diviner, as if this an honor titled, though he treats her like a pet. He informs her to spend her morning preparing, for today her “Holy Blessing” will be needed for its most important task yet. When her Brute jailer – Kakric – comes to escort her out, she glances at the Plasma Pistol on his belt.
Kakric (to Makee’s ear): Everyday you look at my gun, and everyday I watch your cowardice subdue you… and I smile, worm.
Makee looks away humiliated.
On her walk to her room, Covenant sneer at her. They call her hound, and Prophet Pet.
When the door closes on her chambers, Makee throws her religious crown at the door. A faint chuckle from Kakric is heard. In her room, Makee reminisces on her capture. She was a little girl playing in the forest creek with her friends. She didn’t know it but right then the Covenant were invading Arcadia. By sheer luck, Makee found a strange glyph on a stone face along the creek’s bank. Touching it made it glow. The light caught the attention of a nearby scout team of Elites. Seeing that this human child just activated Holy Technology, Makee is spared the massacre of her planet and captured.
Feeling helpless in her room, Makee touches the implant at the back of her neck, and a scar on her right shoulder. The glint of a sharp object on her desk catches her tear-filled eyes and she considers the final escape. Kakric opens the door to Makee’s room to find her standing ready in more practical clothes, sleeves all the way down to her wrists. Kakric notices the sharp paper weight has blood on the tip.
Kakric: Ha Ha, a coward through and through. So much like the rest of your species.
Makee: Just shut up and take me to whatever trinket the Prophets want confirmed for divine authenticity, already. I’ve had enough of your putrid breath in my face for today.
Thel ‘Vadaam – their first meeting: We seek something more than trinkets today Holy Diviner. Feel honored, for I surely do. Because, today you will help me find an Oracle. Today we will guide the Covenant one step closer to the Great Journey.
Cut to Master Chief on Sigma Octanus IV
“Sigma Octansu IV, Foxtrot Base”
Chief stands at the back of an open bay Pelican as it flies into land at Foxtrot Base. The slow fly over shows a busy base with lots of UNSC assets flowing in.
Also, this shot should follow the Helm’s Deep rule (which I now dub it, refer to episode MIA commentary). There is a clear battlefront the UNSC are preparing, and a clear last point, in this case the Pelican landing zones. A second Pelican has landed just before Chief’s. From the two Pelican’s, the remains of Spartan Silver Team – Master Chief, Riz, Vannak, Kai, and Kwan’s squad – Kwan, Adun, Smith, Rico, Bahar, Jackson, Toye – reunite.
Vannak is the “gentle giant” archetype – for as much of that can be applied to a Spartan. Out of all the Spartans he is the quickest to connect with other military personnel. Most love him more than idolize him. He is also the team medic, so a few additional props and decals to hint at his role.
Vannak: I think I found something that belongs to you, Corporal –
gestures at Smith supporting a limping but better looking Toye.
Kwan: Thank you…?
Vannak: Petty Officer Vannak S-134, but you can just call me Vannak.
Kwan: Thank you, sir. But do you think you could have washed them first?
Vannak: Washed? I thought this was what all marines looked and smelled like.
Adun: Man doesn’t know the first rule about borrowing someone’s marines, you always bring them back with a full tank and vacuumed.
The marines laugh and embrace. Kwan gives a more significant look and nod toward the new Spartans before leading her people away to find food and cots.
The Master Chief walks up to his team. The group is somber.
Riz is the anarchist of the team – for a Spartan. Daisy might have been a trouble maker, but Riz hates bureaucracy and those who think medals or stripes give them the authority to speak over her and the other elite Spartans. “You speak when you’ve earned the right to.” Riz is the communications specialist and CQC expert. She carries a breaching shotgun, but favors duel wielding her pistols.
Riz: Daisy?
Chief: Didn’t make it back.
Kai is about order and structure. She believes in the chain of command, trusting in the bigger picture – a lesson she learned early on the hard way. She does have a touch of vanity, marking on her armor how many high profile kills she has racked up. She is the team’s intel officer, sharpshooter, and advance scout.
Kai: Her body and equipment?
Vannak turns to look at Kai, body language displeased.
Chief (Pause): Unrecoverable.
Kai: ONI won’t like that.
Riz: Heaven forbid we piss off ONI, again.
Kai: We report to ONI, Riz. Or did you forget the chain of command again?
Chief: Lock it down, you two. We need to debrief with Commander Keyes.
The Team starts walking through the busy base, heavy fortifications going up as fast as possible.
Vannak: Didn’t Daisy think Cote d’Azur was her birth place?
Chief: She didn’t think. She knew.
Vannak: Knew? How? All our records are sealed so tight they could be at the bottom of an ocean and still be as dry as a desert.
Chief doesn’t answer.
As they walk, people stop and stare at them. As the team enters a portable structure, they don’t seem to notice the worship.
Riz: Alright, Everyone get your lies straight.
Vannak gives a faint chuckle, while Kai groans.
Cut to Kwan and marines.
In a mess tent, Kwan stands in front of a data board scrolling through a list titled Civilian Refugees. The other marines are seen scarfing down food and talking to other individuals. Kwan stops at an entry listing: Soren, Laera, and Kessler Bakrim. Kwan shutters and holds back tears of relief. Adun notices and walks over.
In the Silver Timeline 2.0, Soren is not a spartan but Kwan’s father – and Laera her step mother. He is still an insurrectionist and arms dealer.
Adun: Your family okay?
Kwan can only nod.
Adun: Good! Now where did they get squirreled off to? Hmm. Hey, this is great! They are in Silma. Most defended place on the planet.
Smith: Bad news and lots of it.
Adun (stern): Feeling better, Smith?
Smith: Yeah.
Adun: Don’t need another nap?
Smith: Not for another year, I think. And even if I did, I won’t be getting the chance. None of us will.
Kwan: What’s the word from the Underground, Lance Corporal?
All the marines gather round to listen.
Smith: Foxtrot-Bravo-Romeo. It wasn’t just our company that got wasted, it was the whole damn coastal front. Every company, battalion, and brigade. Guys, we don’t have a single freaking commanding officer between us and Division HQ at Ground Command. I don’t think anyone even knows we still exist.
Rico: Sounds like a good time to retire from the Corp. What?! I’m just saying. Jeez. Maybe a little RnR.
Smith: Rico might be right. The news gets worse. Command is expecting the Covenant ground offensive to march right up to Foxtrot Base some time tomorrow.
Adun: Explains all the manic Lego building going on around here.
Smith: Guys… I think we are losing the planet.
Toye: Damn, this is Arcadia all over again.
Bahar: Arcadia?! Nah, on Arcadia they actually put up a fight. This is Harvest! This is a massacre.
Kwan: Calm down. If the situation was that bad, they would have already called for a general evacuation. Besides, Silma still stands, and with all her Rail-Gun batteries we can keep back the Covenant fleet.
Adun: But for how long?
Cut to Silver Team.
Master Chief and Silver Team walk into a command room with only one other person standing at a holo-table, Commander Miranda Keyes. The Spartans salute, and she returns it. Riz and Vannak take off their helmets, quicker to relax than the other two Spartans.
Miranda is a young but confident ship commander, trying to come out from under the shadow of her father - and her secret mother. She knows these Spartans and has worked with them often on special missions. They have a good rapport.
Miranda: Welcome back, Spartans.
Riz: I’m surprised your boots are on the dirt, Commander.
Miranda: My ship is providing area fire support, so I figured I’d stretch my legs and check out the sweaty marines. I heard Mr. June is supposed to be around here somewhere.
Riz: I’ll let you know if I find him.
Miranda: Thanks, Riz. Okay, enough slacking - report, Silver Team. What the hell happened out there?
Chief gives a quick briefing of what he found in the grotto, identifying the location and artifact as Forerunner. He informs that he wasn’t able to retrieve the artifact, but recorded enough data on the golden Elite and strange alien that if those two pop up again they can be identified.
Miranda: And Spartan-023, Daisy?
Chief: Fought like hell. Saved my life and the lives of those marines.
Miranda: But wasn’t able to make it back?
Chief: Not this time.
Miranda (sighs): Well, I live by the old movie rule: No body, no death.
Reverently, Miranda opens up the Spartan Roster. Many names have “Active” next to them, and many have “MIA” (drop in all the fun easter eggs about the other Spartans and Blue Team). Next to Daisy’s name, “Active” is switched for “MIA”.
Riz: I’m sure the Spartan is giving them hell on the other side.
Chief doesn’t say anything, but his body language and musical cues denote he is remembering Daisy’s dying request to be a human and not a Spartan tool.
Miranda: On to new business.
Several holograms of other officer’s appear around the table, including General Vinsher Grath and Admiral Parangosky, followed by the base commander walking in to join. Grath is weaselly, and though he has general’s stars, he clearly hasn’t seen combat once. Admiral Parangosky is old, but everyone shuts up the second she starts talking. Riz openly despises them both, but for different reasons. They outline the battle. Ground forces are barely holding and everything is being rerouted back to Silma, as per the demand of General Grath. Miranda and the Spartans offer to strike at a weak point but the General denies them. He clearly wants the army (and Spartans) shielding him in Silma. Foxtrot is to hold out as long as possible, a sacrifice to buy time. Before the point could be argued, alarms blare and Chief opens the door to see Banshees flying over, attacking. The Covenant forces have arrived sooner than expected.
Cut to Thel’ Vadaam walking and talking with Makee in High Charity
Thel ‘Vadaam walks with Makee, Kakric following a few steps behind.
Ship Master Thel Vadaam isn’t the arbiter… yet. He is loyal to the great journey and his Sangheili brothers. He is direct and rarely cruel. He has faith, and it guides him righteously.
Thel ‘Vadaam: Tell me Diviner, does it bother you that your species must be exterminated?
Makee: It is the will of the Hierarchs, Shipmaster.
‘Vadaam: Is that your only response?
Makee (meek): It is what must be done. Humanity is unworthy of the gods, but I shall redeem the spirit of humanity through dutiful service to the Great Journey.
‘Vadaam: Are you so naive? A child can give such a response. We wage war against your people. Tell me why?
Makee (confused and scared to say the wrong thing): Because humanity is…
‘Vadaam: Because humans are profane!
Cut to a messy, confusing battle at Foxtrot Base with muted sound. The base is already overrun, the retreat is called.
Voiceover: They are vulgar and sloppy. They trample over the gods’ holy sites and think themselves superior to them. Your species is like a mold that grows and corrupts every crevasse and dark place on a starship. It must be scrubbed clean…
A Covenant battlecruiser - the Purity of Spirit - in the distance is approaching, its powerful ventral beam igniting and scorching the earth.
Voiceover: It must be burned away if necessary. If corruption is allowed to fester, it rots the fuel lines, weakens the hull, fowls the pumps. For a ship and its crew to survive, there must be nothing weakening it. For the galaxy to make the Great Journey, humanity must be cleansed, Diviner. This is the truth you must uphold, Holy One.
Silver Team and Kwan’s squad link back up - Vannak and Chief going out of their way to shepherd them onto their Pelican.
Cut to High Charity
‘Vadaam and Makee continue to talk, ‘Vadaam giving her the space to ask questions of her own. Glimpses of the Covenants inner workings are becoming clearer. When they reach ‘Vadaam’s cruiser “Truth and Reconciliation,” Makee is surprised to learn she would be going with the Shipmaster, leaving High Charity for the first time. Kakric is not happy about this, and that no one told him, but the appearance of his much older brother Tartarus calms him. Tartarus reassures him that this is for the best.
Makee is in a new uniform, and seemingly, exploring the ship freely. She continues to watch the Covenant species interact now that they are away from the stuffier class of people in High Charity. She even notices that Jackals secretly trade in Human technology and aren’t as devoted as they project around the rest of the Covenant, but even they do not show her any welcome.
A warning alarm spooks her; a space battle is about to commence as they arrive at Sigma Octanus IV. But the crew just laughs at her because the superior Covenant ship effortlessly dispatches the UNSC patrol. ‘Vadaam doesn’t laugh and just seems more disappointed in her timidity.
When ‘Vadaam gets his task force ready, Makee persuades the Shipmaster to take her along to identify human cultural landmarks and such. She sees it as her first real chance to escape in ages. Tartarus insists that she go and take Kakric to watch her.
Tartarus: What are you worried about Four-Jaw? It’s just some wormling! My brother shall keep her in line. Worse comes to worst, he crushes her if she tries to escape.
‘Vadaam: Firstly, my title is Shipmaster and you would do well to remember that, Brute. Secondly, our mission is to retrieve the relic and make sure it is the Oracle we seek. For that I will need the Holy Diviner alive. -
Looks from Makee to Kakric and Tartarus - But upon reflection, keeping the Diviner under my constant watch seems to be the best way to accomplish that. Zuka, take the Diviner to the armory, see if any of the Kig-Yar armor will fit her.
Makee: Do I get a weapon? To defend myself?
‘Vadaam: Ha! I am trying to keep you alive, not let you suddenly figure out the results of letting a pistol critically overheat. Go. We are already wasting precious time debating. And there are those eager to begin the Cleansing.
Tartarus and Kakric share a significant glance behind ‘Vadaam’s back.
Cut to Pelican at night
“Sigma Octanus IV, Silma City”
Chief, Silver Team, and Kwan’s marines riding in the back of a Pelican at night. Distant cannon fire is heard, muffled through the hull of the ship. The cabin is tense and quiet, Chief is the only one standing, his hand over his other wrist clearly operating something.
Chief: Repeat, Commander.
Miranda (staticky and broken up, comes out through the PA in the cabin): Covenant forces have breached…. Silma. Railgun platforms are… dark… need them back up before the main assault… Silver Team is tasked… platform 6. Expect… and Hunters, according to Marine Recon. There will be no… Good luck, Spartans. Keyes out.
(an explosion is heard over the transmission before the speakers go silent)
Chief: Commander.
Riz -
fiddles with something: Lines dead. Too much interference from that approaching ground attack.
Kai: Data packet made it through. -
hesitates to show info in front of regular marines -
Chief: Go ahead. Something tells me we won't be doing this alone.
Kwan: Bet your ass we are coming.
Smith: I’m ready to get some revenge, but if all of you want to take a nap, I’ll just handle the ass kicking myself.
Rico: Hell, according to the Corp we are dead already, might as well make it official. Less paperwork.
Riz: Where they hell did you find these people, Chief?
Vannak: I don’t know and I don’t care, as long as there are more where they came from.
Smith: It’s called the Marine Corp, ass-hats.
All the Spartans slowly turn their heads to look at Smith.
Riz: Didn’t we drag your shaking ass out of a cozy warehouse?
Chief: Enough. Intel. Display. Now.
Kai pulls up a digital map of Silma with icons of several Rail Cannons circling the city and its space elevator. One nearest the oncoming Covenant assault labeled 6 is blinking red. Kai explains that a report from a missing Marine Recon team describes how small units of Covenant saboteurs have been spotted around the platforms.
Chief: Probably turning out the lights before a larger force arrives to completely disable them. Same thing they did on Arcadia.
Kwan: How long does the city last without those gun platforms?
Chief: Right now, they are the only real threat to that battlecruiser. With it gone, the city will be molten glass this time tomorrow.
Kai: Looks like all the platforms are currently being reinforced. Well, all the ones we still have control over.
Chief: Then let’s get Platform 6 back on that list. Silver Team, we move in squads of four. One Spartan in every squad. Sorry, Private but you still haven’t completely healed.
Toye: No way, not this time, sir. I’m coming with.
Chief: Corporal Ha? He’s your man.
Kwan: He is good, sir. We all are.
Chief: Okay. Prepare for a hot landing.
The Pelican lands and Silver Team+ rushes out into an eerily quiet industrial area, only the sounds of war faintly in the distance. Clearly visible and ahead, a large railgun sits above the rest of the surrounding buildings. The squads fan out, the story now mainly told between Chief’s squad (which has Adun and Rico) and Riz’s squad (That has Kwan and Smith in it). An over the shoulder shot will show one of the classic Halo marine eyepieces is displaying Halo 3: ODST style night vision, which is why no one is using flash lights.
Crank up the suspension, but move fairly quickly.
Eventually the Team makes it to the control center for the gun, finding a small Covenant Platoon guarding. They are quickly dispatched, Riz taking a minor and forgettable wound for Smith in the process and expressing frustration at him.
Chief: Commander Keyes. Commander?
Riz (over radio): Still no good Comms to the battle upstairs -
points to space - but Mission Control should see Platform 6 go hot again once you flip the switch. And Chief.
Chief: What is it?
Cut to Riz and her squad.
Several Phantom drop ships begin to unload baddies nearby.
Riz: You were right about it being just like Arcadia.
Chief: Understood. Silver Team, protect this platform.
Cut to Makee and ‘Vadaam
Alien to English “Sigma Octanus IV, Cote d’Azure”
It’s daytime. Makee and ‘Vadaam’s task force sift through the wreckage of Cote d’Azure’s museum. She is wearing the strange armor Chief saw in the grotto, it’s made up of Jackal armor pieces that cover much of her face and something else. Kakric is unhappy they have found nothing at the place Makee led them to. Museums are supposed to have artifacts after all.
The Shipmaster of Purity of Spirit calls in eager to begin glassing the planet, but ‘Vadaam tells him he must wait until the Diviner locates all the Holy Sites on the planet to be preserved from cleansing fire.
Before ‘Vadaam can press Makee for a new idea. UNSC Marines spring an attack. In the chaos, Makee see’s her chance to escape when a Jackal is mortally wounded next to her. She reaches for his weapons, eventually fighting for the plasma pistol in its hand, half intentional/half accidentally discharging it and killing it.
A moment of shock keeps her from noticing the marine walking up on her, clearly seeing her discharge a Covenant Weapon in her hand. The marine levels and prepares to fire, while Makee uses broken nearly forgotten English to try and plead for help.
Kakric’s gravity hammer saves her life.
The fire fight is short lived and most of the task force is unscathed. Kakric informs ‘Vadaam that Makee killed a Jackal in an attempt to escape, and even talked in a human tongue with one of the attackers. He requests that she be executed at once for Heresy. Makee tries to lie her way out of it. ‘Vadaam reveals that the strange part of her chest armor is a Prisoner’s Harness which will destroy her if she doesn’t cooperate. He demands a clue to the location of the relic hidden amongst this profane human settlement, and if not…
Makee panics but sees a bench with a tourist ad about the local grotto. In the image showing all the local graffiti, she notices a rare forerunner glyph in the mix. This spares her life, for now.
Makee closes a pouch on two stolen plasma grenades.
Cut to Miranda and the bridge of In Amber Clad
“Sigma Octanus IV, UNSC In Amber Clad”
Miranda - pushing away a corpsman trying to bandage a head wound - is in a heated debate with fleet command, General Garth, and Parangosky. Miranda wants to get a strike squadron together to help aid the ground forces in Silma, but things are too risky, and they all need to prepare for the likelihood of a planet wide evacuation. When Parangosky wants to know why Spartan assets haven’t been evacuated yet, it is revealed that Garth wanted to keep them there to protect his own skin. This pisses off Parangosky and she greenlights Miranda to help, wanting to protect valuable assets like Spartans. However, Miranda is only allowed to pull volunteers from the 27th fleet, a very small one. Also, the loss of any ships will be reflected on Miranda directly, the UNSC can’t afford to lose ships at this stage in the war.
Cut to Makee and ‘Vadaam in grotto
Makee watches ‘Vadaam carefully searches the Forerunner site, frustrated that he hasn’t found what he is looking for. He asks Makee again if there is anything else she can sense. She points out that the only panel she hasn’t touched is the portion covered by the sediment layer. When Kakric offers to smash it with his hammer, ‘Vadaam snaps at him for risking Forerunner relics. Then he calls in a phantom to bring the proper tools.
Makee sees a chance to kill ‘Vadaam with his back turned to her - since he is the one controlling her vest. But when she tries to plant one of her grenades on him, Kakric grabs her arm and brings her close to whisper in her face.
Kakric: Breathing human air has made you bold, but no more stronger, little coward. I’ll enjoy chewing on your brittle bones, something I’ve been salivating over for years.
Before Kakric could break her wrist, Makee activates the grenade and sticks it to the brutes face. He panics, clawing at his face and backing up against the sediment covering more of the Forerunner site. ‘Vadaam turns and rushes toward Kakric. The explosion throws Makee and ‘Vadaam to the ground, and also blows away the rock covering the Oracle - a triangle like artifact.
Makee rushes for the artifact, last grenade in hand.
‘Vadaam: Halt, Holy Diviner. I will destroy you if I must.
Makee stops only feet away from the relic, ready to plant the grenade.
Makee: And risk the Oracle? No, you won’t. Either I leave, or you lose the relic.
‘Vadaam -
lowers vest controller: Why, Diviner? Why do this?
Makee: Are you as simple as a child? I’m tired of this life and tired of animals like him -
gestures to Kakric body. I just want to be free.
Gun fire distracts Makee. When she turns her attention back she sees ‘Vadaam rushing her. A childhood memory flashes in her mind, a different Elite rushing at her to capture her. Tears in her eyes, she gives out a wail of last defiance. Grenade activated, she goes to destroy the relic and herself.
When she grabs the relic it glows as bright as the object by the river. She is suddenly stunned, the only thing she and us can hear is a high pitched frequency. In the background we see a battle behind her, specifically Master Chief fighting toward her. Then ‘Vadaam appears, looming over her as she still fixates on the relic.
Cut to Makee in the dropship.
Alien to English “Sigma Octanus IV, Enroute to Truth and Reconciliation”
Makee listens through a daze and muffled ears. She is silently mumbling to herself, searching for a word. Occasionally she mumbles the words cleanse, ignite, and weapon. A heavy hand cracks her across the head, sending her helmet flying. The argument becomes audible. The scene mirrors the cold open but more from Makee’s lower, seated perspective.
Tartarus: The demons were there. How did they know of the Oracles location! This heathen species knows nothing of our gods. Yet, they were there!
Makee (mumbling): Must cleanse.
‘Vadaam: It is possible they tracked us, or simply got lucky. Calm yourself.
Makee (mumbling): Burn it away.
Tatarus: Did the worm call them?
Makee (louder, more coherent): No… The Oracle called.. The Oracle…
Tartarus: I’ve had enough of your babbling -
goes to crush her throat.
‘Vadaam: Wait! (to Makee) the Oracle spoke? What did it say, Diviner?
Makee (trying to focus): The Oracle…a weapon… Forgive me, my mind… It called. No… It asked me if I was a… Damn, there isn’t a Sangheili word for it. But it wanted to know the disposition of the galaxy.
‘Vadaam: It asked about our faith?
Tatarus: This is blasphemy! Why would the messenger of our gods speak to a worm?
Makee tries to speak, but ‘Vadaam' silences her. He decides they must speak to the Hierarchs before anything else is done.
Cut to a room on the Truth and Reconciliation
A projection of the Prophet of Mercy and ‘Vadaam continue to interrogate Makee. She can’t tell them much more. Mercy decides that Makee was overwhelmed by the sinfulness of her species and it drove her mad. She should have never been permitted to be near them, and chastises ‘Vadaam for taking her to the planet's surface.
Mercy: Diviner, is there anything else to learn from this planet?
Makee: No. It didn’t reveal any more Holy Sites.
Mercy: So we risk nothing else being harmed?
Makee: No… You are free to cleanse the planet without offense to our gods. Let the Great Journey continue.
Mercy: You heard the Diviner, let the Great Journey continue, Shipmaster.
‘Vadaam: As you command. Contact the Purity of Spirit, tell them to begin the cleansing and to burn away that city by dawn. That should break their spirit.
Makee watches, with a manic fixation, as the relic is reveratly transported to a nearby room.
Cut to Silver Team+ fighting at the platform.
It is still night. Chief and Silver Team are doing their best to hold the line from the Covenant attack seeking to disable the Railgun Platform. The perspective is still mainly on Chief and Riz’s squad. The Spartans are clearly holding themselves back and putting themselves in harm's way to keep the marines safe. Smith takes a grave wound to one of his hands (permanently disabling it), but fiercely fights on after Vannak patches him up, impressing Riz who tried to bench him.
When a Hunter pair arrives, which is far more than the marines are equipped to handle, Kwan sees the writing on the wall - and what the camera work is showing. The Spartans are being held back by the Marines. Silver Team+ has been pushed all the way back together near the control center. Kwan insists that Chief and the Spartans do what they need to do, and let the marines handle their own fate.
Kwan: Chief, you can’t break this assault and watch over us. Take your Team and secure this platform!
Chief: Can you hold this line?
Kwan: Does it matter?
Chief: Can you hold?
Kwan: No, not for long, but that doesn’t matter. You Spartans will still be here. We will kill you if you stay.
Chief pauses, Kwan’s face reflecting in his visor.
Chief: Listen up! Marines, I need a wall of fire suppressing the enemy. Keep their heads down for as long as you can. Spartans, you’re with me.
Vannak (on a private channel): If we leave, they die.
Riz (private channel): Not if we’re fast.
Chief: Silver Team, go!
The marines give a war cry, several injured and bleeding, and lay down some suppressive fire while the Spartans rush off to flank the Covenant.
The Spartans finally get to go 100% and it’s action eye candy. Tight alleyway fighting that is smooth and coordinated. It isn’t easy, but the Spartans prove their billion dollar value. There are some great tag team moves that are used to take down the Hunters. The Master Chief theme music is in full rock. The assault is broken.
But the Spartans only take a breath before sprinting back to the control center.
Chief (breathless): Corporal Ha? Second squad? Do you copy?
Riz (breathless): Smith?
Kwan (exhausted): Yes, Chief?
The Spartans share a look of relief as they see all the marines alive and hunkered down. A few new injuries and bandages being applied. Some might be out of the fight for a while.
Smith (to Riz): Took you long enough. I thought I was going to have to go do your job for you.
Riz: Only if you can keep up, warrior.
Riz offers Smith a hand to stand back up. The other hand is covered in bandages.
Kai: I hate to ruin the mood, but this fight isn’t over.
Everyone who can jumps back to the firing line. Calls for low ammo go up. Some marines are picking up nearby alien weapons. The Covenant cruiser Purity of Spirit is visible in the dawn light along with other smaller escort ships, some of which are headed right toward them.
Kai: Chief, we can’t hold this position.
Rico (bandage over half his face, and out of the fight): Why aren’t the platforms opening up? Damn it! Fry the MF-ers already, you assholes! -
he bangs on a metal panel.
Chief (to Kai): Why aren’t they firing on those ships?
Kai: I don’t know.
Chief takes in Silver Team+
Chief: Prepare to fall back. Kai, see if you can order us a ride out of here.
Everyone looks tired and defeated.
Adun: Why are those ships turning back? Are they going to… Whoa!
A rail dart not fired from the city's defenses punches through a Covenant ship, its shields rippling away before exploding in a bright blue fire. More rail darts from out of view take out another Covenant ship. Missiles race across the sky chasing dropships and attack craft.
It’s Miranda’s attack squadron. She radios in to check on the Chief as several UNSC ships come into view, their mighty MAC cannons thundering and shaking Silver Team+. The Marines cheer wildly as the Purity of Spirit pulls back and disappears into the smoke and clouds. The UNSC ships continue the hunt.
Miranda admits this is only a bandage for the situation, they caught them with their pants down. This counterattack should buy time to lock down the city defenses.
Everyone is relieved as all the space ships disappear and there is a calm. In the background one of the other railgun platforms explodes. Then two more go up in flames. The other defenders failed. Silver Team+ watches in horror as all their efforts and Miranda’s go up in smoke.
Cut to Makee on Truth and Reconciliation
Makee is being guarded by two Jackals fighting over a piece of human technology. She asks to leave, but they brush her off. Then she offers to show them how the technology works. They take the deal and Makee rushes to the chamber with the relic, sneaking past an Elite patrolling the hall.
Once inside she approaches the relic slowly, when her hand gets within a few inches, the relic glows and the high pitch frequency returns.
Makee (through pain): Slow down. I can’t understand. Slower!
There is a sudden spike in the frequency and Makee clutches at the implant in her neck. There is a pop like electronics breaking and Makee feels relief.
Makee: Yes, I understand you now. - she falls to her knees in worship.
We hear a one sided conversation.
Makee: Forgive me, Oracle. I only sought freedom when I attacked…
Makee: Yes, the planet is being cleansed of infestation as we speak.
At this point Makee’s face expresses confusion from how her gods are talking to her.
Makee: Other planets? Yes, your loyal servants are in the process of cleansing them too.
Makee: I’m glad I please you. If I may ask, what is that name you keep calling me? There is not a word for it in Sangheili.
Makee: Yes, that one. When you first spoke to me, Holy One, I saw images of great power attached to that title. It came with the ability to wield mighty weapons.
Makee (full of reserved hope): That is a blessing to hear. Are… Are Sangheili and the other Covenant species also this… this… Honored Caretaker? Do they also get this power, or is it just me?
Makee begins to smile wider and wider as the Oracle speaks to her.
Credits roll.