Props Making a Plasma Grenade

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I just had an idea. I just tried to find pictures of this pearly liquid that people put in toys for finger traps, those rubbery spike balls etc, but what if you could get that and put the blue LEDs in the middle of the liquid then surround it all by a plastic ball. I think it would look wicked since it'll look like moving plasma. Anyone know the name of this liquid? I wonder if pearly soap would work but i'm not sure how much light would go through.
i just bought one of these from a guy on ebay. the thing looks really detailed. when it arrives i'll reverse engineer it and post what i find.
InvisibleMan said:
I was thinking about taking these tennis-ball sized sytromfoam balls and then covering them in FIberglass resin. Then drill a hole to the center and put in an LED, wire it all to crap so that you hit a button on teh surface and it turns on. then you paint it this blue-y color taht randomly ive found down in my basement. I painted on for my Biology class and was like WOAH GIGANTIC PLASMA NADE. So i then asked my mom and she was like, check down in the basement. I know we've got some smaller. so i found them and this idea was born. the resin is just for support 'cause styrofoam balls get dented easily. and it would just be easier to paint to a complete coat. I'll shut up and let you guys decide whether I'm a fool and should go jump off a bridge or a good idea comer-upper and that i should live in my parents basement until death. Thanks (and no, I don't live in the basement)

I was about to suggest this. Anyways, I think it is a great idea and I want to try this my self minus the resin.
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seaninja951 said:
I was about to suggest this. Anyways, I think it is a great idea and I want to try this my self minus the resin.

Wow, UBER necropost.
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i made one myself (its in one of my albums) i diddnt use lights but i used a squishy ball from the dollar store(tennis balls should work just as well) i covered it with masking tape (thick) and i painted over it. it looks really good.
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