Forum Founder
- Member DIN
- S800
Is there anything else you’d like to share regarding the project?
CC : We are preparing for a huge launch to be followed by very large replenishment orders in the first few days following the Street Date in the standard Core SKU. This Halo 3 Program will require my full time and attention until after Holiday. Risk and Mitigation Planning has been huge thus far and will only intensify once we approach the launch itself. So, even once this product ships, my work is far from over!
What kind of backgrounds do you have? What advice would you give to anyone out there who wants to get into this line of work some day?
JS : As I mentioned earlier, I’ve been at Microsoft for over 21 years now. I came to Microsoft with a background in print and graphics. Over the years I’ve done work in print production which led to working in print purchasing. From there I moved into managing print and paper as a commodity back in the day when software manuals were really big. My experience and background in managing vendors, and metrics lead me to the Packaging Engineering area, where I was initially focused on the business management aspects of our vendor base. I guess the learning here is that Microsoft is an environment where you have the ability to plug and play core sets of skills. While tactical knowledge or content expertise is always important, the ability to manage complex projects and bring folks together while having fun is a good thing.
CC : I have a BS in Financial Economics and am an APICS certified CPIM, but neither of these is a prerequisite for anything. Not being an engineer is not a draw back at all. Most of us can learn most things through assimilation. What is required is a burning desire for creating new products, then producing them. In the final analysis, this still requires that someone manufactures them. If it is not produced, there is nothing to sell.

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