D Dravick New Member Dec 1, 2007 #1 I need a picture of the backside and legs of the marines on halo 3. I understand you may be busy but just needed a little help.
I need a picture of the backside and legs of the marines on halo 3. I understand you may be busy but just needed a little help.
1ManBattalion Active Member Dec 1, 2007 #2 Have you searched in the Gallery, Armor reference sections?
H helios Member Dec 1, 2007 #4 those two places should be the first places to look, especially before making a topic. But Kudos for using search, the majority of n00bs seem to just post their questions, regardless of if it's been asked before.
those two places should be the first places to look, especially before making a topic. But Kudos for using search, the majority of n00bs seem to just post their questions, regardless of if it's been asked before.
D Dravick New Member Dec 2, 2007 #5 I found some good pics of helm and body but I still need pictures of the leggings.
K koobs Jr Member Dec 2, 2007 #6 http://405th.com/forums/index.php?automodu...eq=sc&cat=8 That should do it.
S Spartan K22 Member Dec 2, 2007 #7 yeah, incase you didnt get the link, here it is AGAIN lol http://405th.com/forums/index.php?automodu...eq=sc&cat=8 thanks to the person who shared the pics. (im not taking credit, im giving it)
yeah, incase you didnt get the link, here it is AGAIN lol http://405th.com/forums/index.php?automodu...eq=sc&cat=8 thanks to the person who shared the pics. (im not taking credit, im giving it)