
New Member

I made a little progress. It ain't much but it is something. I have to resize some of the pieces of course. Also, I'm still trying to collect cardboard where I am at. Things at home are settling down now after two months into my new home.
Pepakura designer is good, or Armorsmith works well. You can use that one for scaling too which is great once you get your avatar set. Are you making it out of cardboard, or just using that for rigid templates?
Pepakura designer is good, or Armorsmith works well. You can use that one for scaling too which is great once you get your avatar set. Are you making it out of cardboard, or just using that for rigid templates?
I'm testing it out on cardboard first then I will be using EVA foam. The templates from someone here in the Armory but can't remember his name. I did download Pepakura Designer. I just don't have the printer to print the size paper that I need for it.
you can change the paper size in the settings, and you can make parts span multiple pages, cut them out and overlap the dotted edge line to make larger templates. I try to build as large of single pieces as possible to minimize seams.
you can change the paper size in the settings, and you can make parts span multiple pages, cut them out and overlap the dotted edge line to make larger templates. I try to build as large of single pieces as possible to minimize seams.
I'll have to try that thanks for the tip. :)
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