Props marine laptop

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Jr Member
ok guys i wanna make a laptop like the marine at the very begining of halo 3 has when he's checking the cheifs suit out...anyone have any pics of it?...ive watched the clip at the begining lk 3 times now but i cant seem to catch much more than a fleeting glimpse of it...anyone? cheers!
Do you have the game? You know you can pause it in saved films, right?

Anyway, this would be a great project. I've never thought about ti before.

Good luck with it.
hmm....i really never paid attention to this, but it seems like a fun little project.....just cover the I/O ports, so you can actually use the laptop!
Give me 10-15 mins and I'll get some screenshots up on my Bnet profile... if it'll let me take them that is, it's been a while since I've played that scene :unsure:

Nope, can't do it :( The Arrival cutscene isn't recorded by the in-game recorder so I can't go back and see it again.
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I just did a real quick and nasty recording of the Arrival cutscene with a DV cam, it's too big to upload and putting it on youtube would be of no use because the quality sucks to begin with. I'll see if I can get some useable screenshots out of it and post them here :)

Edit: Here they are, 12 pics of the laptop. Quality sucks but that's as good as I can do right now.
Hopefully they're of use.
wow it looked a lot more complicated before!

i couldnt tell before but it looks just like a hardened laptop.....(begins planning)...i'll keep you guys posted

and cheers belakor...i dont know why but the pause function isnt working on my 360...thats why i couldnt get tidy pics...i think im about 2 days away from the ring of death AGAIN! lol...hope not though lol
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