Mark IV - First (Halo) Build

BHE Photos

I figured a good way to build up my 50 posts will be a build thread.
I have so far done a full Mando, Thor (Ragnarok), Shinra Security Guard, and am just finishing Soldier Boy. However I have always had my eyes on a set of MJOLNIR. Originally I wanted to go with the Achilles variant, but when Galactic Armory released their Mark IV set I knew it was the one for me. I downloaded the files and started printing them alongside my Soldier Boy parts (not a good idea to mix projects like that, but I'll never learn :lol:).
So I'm not new to building armor, but this will easily be my most ambitious project yet. I'm hoping to have the build complete by C2E2, or Kitsune Kon (smaller Con in Green Bay, WI).

I'm currently undecided if I want to go with the Jerome/Red Team color scheme or do a full custom job. I'm leaning towards some kind of blue scheme, but will almost certainly change my mind at some point.

Printers being used: Ender 3 V2 Neo, Neptune 3 Max, Neptune 4 Plus, and Anycubic Photon X.

Some of the unique things I'd like to do is make the helmet lights more "fun" with some kind of projector or laser show for one of the lights alongside a regular flashlight option (could be fun at Convention raves).
As a photographer, I also plan to build in a camera mount to the right thigh to act as a holster for when walking around at Cons, though that may also require a custom case/cage for my camera (Lumix S5M2) to make it easily operable with the gloves (large on/off switch, large focus and shutter buttons, etc).
I'd also like to add a slot on the back of the hand plate thin enough to work with "tap to pay" for when spending way too much money for food and swag at Cons without having to worry about getting to my wallet. I'd also like to add a compartment somewhere for my phone and other stuff, since I don't plan on having any handlers.

Current progress as of Leap Day:
  • Helmet: Printed and primed (even a couple coats of blue to test how I feel about it). Working on building my vacuum former so I can make the visor. Will add the ears and mouth mesh last once everything has been painted and electronics are in.
  • Torso: Need to finish and attach the abdominal piece, but otherwise the front and back are primed and ready for paint. I am currently planning on having it be a 2-piece assembly, with the back having the shoulder straps and side straps, and will buckle the front plate to the them. Time will tell if I can make that work and look good. There's a slight possibility of needing to scale down the chest piece.
  • Cod: All pieces but butt plate have been printed. My current intent is to cast the butt plate out of rubber or use EVA foam to make it flexible so I can sit while in the armor. I have mild scoliosis so standing for very long periods of time does not a happy Spartan make.
  • Legs: I have all of the left leg parts printed, but I have to weld/glue them together to verify fitment. I suspect that the legs may need to be adjusted to be slightly shorter.
  • Arms: Currently working on printing all of the left arm pieces.
  • Undersuit: Purchased a cheap Halloween body suit (shown below) from Amazon that has some "robot" designs to give a bit of "business" to my fitups, but eventually I'll definitely be doing some kind of EVA foam or rubber pieces to give it the proper bulky features.
  • Weaponry: Currently have no started on any weapons, though I'll probably eventually go with the OG shotgun, AR, and pistol. I have tried printing the Halo 3 BR on my belt printer a few times but that thing is the most finnicky printer I've ever worked on and I could never go a full print without a hideous layer shift or spaghetti-fication.

Below is the torso and helmet, as well as a rough fit check of the calf:

Next steps:
  • Vacuum former build is in progress, that will allow me to form the visor.
  • Need to print the rest of the parts for the left arm.
After that I can do a "full" (left sided) fit-up and decide if I need to rescale anything before moving on to the right arm/leg.
Still finishing up my Soldier Boy build for AMKE next weekend, but after I get back from that I intend to go full bore on the Mark IV.


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Below is the torso and helmet, as well as a rough fit check of the calf:
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Sounds like you've got the experience for sizing and building. Good planning and machine choices. But... I know its only 1 pic to go by but those parts look oversized for your body. Chest looks wide enough to keep you from reaching straight forward. Calf looks like it fully up in the back of the knee joint keeping you from bending much. I assume you Armosmith'd the fit for them?
Sounds like you've got the experience for sizing and building. Good planning and machine choices. But... I know its only 1 pic to go by but those parts look oversized for your body. Chest looks wide enough to keep you from reaching straight forward. Calf looks like it fully up in the back of the knee joint keeping you from bending much. I assume you Armosmith'd the fit for them?
I use Armorsmith, yeah. I definitely tend to err on the side of "too big" when doing my scaling due to the small pile of "slightly too small" helmets I've printed in the past and stuck in the corner of my garage.

There's a pretty real possibility of needing to reprint some of the parts. I think I scaled the chest to 110%. I definitely can't put my arms straight in front of me, so I imagine once I have the arm pieces it'll be even more restricted.
The leg pieces I scaled to be wider/deeper (I have beefy calves) but not taller. The knee piece sits more or less over my knee, but it's also possible that it will need to be scaled down. I figure if the pieces are too big I'll just weld them together and turn them into a lamp, à la "A Christmas Story".
Some of the unique things I'd like to do is make the helmet lights more "fun" with some kind of projector or laser show for one of the lights alongside a regular flashlight option (could be fun at Convention raves).
I love this idea! This build sounds really cool! I'll be watching your progress =D
Finally getting back to this project, going to have to really buckle down to finish by C2E2. Unfortunately my Neptune 3 Max is being temperamental, so I'm just using my 4 Plus and my resin printer for most stuff right now.

Made some progress on the arms today. Printed the L/R forearms last week, and I tonight I welded them together, applied a couple of coats of resin to fill some layer lines, did a rough first sanding pass, and hit them with the first coat of filler primer. I also had the cod piece and right bicep/tricep covers ready for resin/paint. The hallmark oversized shoulder is saying hello as well.

The forearms have one more piece each, but I'm going to glue that piece in with elastic so that it can be the piece that shifts when I put them on.

Currently printing out the other set of bicep/tricep plates. I'm leaning pretty heavily on going for a Jerome color scheme since I have yet to decide on a custom paint job.

My vacuum table is close to being ready for the first run. I have the base done, just need to drill the hole for the shop vac hose. I mostly just need to build the frame to hold the plastic, and then I can start practicing to make my visor.
C2E2 continues to creep even closer.

I reprinted the chest at 100% (was 110%) and gained a couple of inches for my arms to move.

I had previously printed the left thigh assembly and thought I was satisfied with the fit (was definitely big, but decided that I would just fill it with foam). I didn't see any notes in my folders about scaling the thigh pieces so I did them at 100%, but when I welded the newly printed right thigh together, it was obvious that the left had been scaled (probably to the 120% width (girth?) that the calves had been scaled to). Now that I had a 100% and a 120% set, I decided that the 100% fits better. So now I'm reprinting the left thigh assembly at 100%.

As mentioned in my first post, I want to be able to carry my camera with me without it being a major problem, so I added two mounting holes to the right thigh to attach the Peak Design camera clip system. With this system, I can also add a 1/4-20 threaded hole to weapons and attach them without relying on magnets (I don't trust magnets).

Once the left thigh is printed (should be done either late Wednesday or early Thursday), I will have to make a decision about how to scale the calves. I definitely need to keep them wide (I have obnoxiously large calves), but I think I need to scale their height down. Then I just need to print both sets of calves, the boot covers (also need to pick some boots), but hand plates. I think I'll worry about finger plates after C2E2.

The vacuum former is technically complete, but I need to improve my heat system. I tried suspending the space heater I have in the garage above the sheet of plastic, but I wasn't getting nearly enough droop. I think I need to go with a box system to focus the heat better, or just use my over for a 1-off so I can get the helmet done in time.

I still haven't decided what I want to do with the ears. I would like something fancier than basic white LEDS, but I might need to just accept simplicity for C2E2 and then expand on them later. I repurchased some fans to mount in the helmet because I have no idea where the ones I bought a few months ago went. I should also probably figure out a voice amp/mic setup soon, though I can probably cobble one together with all the audio equipment I already own for Videography.

While the last parts are printing, I'm starting to add foam to the inside/back of the primed parts. Put in a big Amazon order for elastic and some strap sliders so I can start the rigging portion.

Gonna be cutting this down to the wire, and I still need to fix some pieces of the Soldier Boy build that broke at AMKE so I can wear that at C2E2 on one of the days...

Photos: camera attached to hip, and the importance of checking your scaling.


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I have no clue about cameras, but are you not worried about a thigh-attached camera being shaky as hell?

Looking good though!
I have no clue about cameras, but are you not worried about a thigh-attached camera being shaky as hell?

Looking good though!
That's definitely a valid concern. I'll have to secure the thigh piece pretty aggressively to my body to keep the entire thigh armor from wobbling around with the awkward weight, but if the armor doesn't move the camera should be fine. The clip is designed to be attached to some kind of strap (either a belt or backpack strap), so I'll probably run a strip of nylon webbing down from my h-harness to act as a "dummy cord" in the unfortunate (and hopefully unlikely) scenario of it breaking through the armor.

The clip itself is fairly sturdy with minimal wobble, so any wobble will come from the armor. If needed I can move it to the side of my hip, I'm just not a fan of it sticking out to the side of my body in crowded situations like Conventions. When I use the clip on a belt, I typically have it slightly forward from my side.

There will definitely have to be some "shake tests" done before walking around the Con though. I don't ever plan on running in this armor, but I'll do some hopping around and make sure it doesn't get out of hand.
Photos: camera attached to hip,

That's a lot of mass with every step.

Have you tried wearing your lowers around the house for half a day? Give you a feel for steps, sitting, maneuvering, walking, pinch points, etc.
That's a lot of mass with every step.

Have you tried wearing your lowers around the house for half a day? Give you a feel for steps, sitting, maneuvering, walking, pinch points, etc.
These are progress photos, so I don't even have them fully built to be able to wear around the house. I pretty much assume my first full test fit will be the night prior to C2E2, as is tradition for my procrastination habit. I figure I'll do the rigging once I have the other thigh welded and primered, and if it ends up being too cumbersome with the front thigh placement, I can move it fairly easily (the hole size happens to be exactly the diameter of my soldering iron to it's super easy to just burn new holes elsewhere).
Dawn of the final week:
Effectively only 3 more evenings available for building before C2E2, so to say that it's crunch time is the understatement of the century.

Late last week I finished up printing the other thigh, and Friday night/Saturday I printed out 2 properly scaled calf assemblies. Last night I welded all 3 assemblies together, got them coated in resin, a quick wet sand, and two coats of filler primer. Due to time constraints I won't be sanding these any further.

Two of the welds on the back piece were giving me trouble with cracking, and I've already rewelded them a couple of times, so I decided to put some fiberglass over the seams this time and along the waist "strap". I'm also going to fill the space with expanding foam so that if anything does crack when at a Con, it'll have something to hold onto. Definitely going to make my back extra toasty though, so I will try to remember to carve out some channels for air flow (maybe in the future I'll even put some fans in there.

The only pieces left to print are the shoe coverings (have one set done, the other will be done printing by the time I get home from work today) and then the hand plates. Going to crank those out on the Neptune 4 Plus this evening. I need to pick up some gloves on my way home to work for the weekend.

I have an Elegoo Jupiter SE being delivered today as well. I plan to print a visor with it as my first print, since I still haven't got my vacuum forming table working. The heat application is giving me problems, mostly due to the space heater(s) I've been trying to use. I think I'm going to make one more attempt this evening using a spare stove I have, but my fall back will be a regular sheet of acrylic heat formed into a basic curve, like I have done with my Mando helmet.

After I either succeed or fail at the visor, rigging is going to be the primary objective of the evening. I got a bunch of elastic webbing and various other strap pieces delivered over the weekend to replenish my stock, so it's time to put things together.

Ideally by the time I go to bed tonight I will have the rigging done and at least an acceptable visor solution. Then tomorrow I will be all set to paint (still haven't fully decided on a color scheme, I've been scrolling through the 405th media options (IG, FB, and here) like crazy to see how colors look.)

I also resoldered a transistor to the board of my bench top mill, which I need to find some time to reinstall and hopefully it works so that I can complete the belt buckle for my Soldier Boy cosplay which I'll also be taking to C2E2.


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Realized last night that even if I got the vacuum forming working, I don't currently have the dye to color the visor, so a flat piece of acrylic is definitely the best option for a temporary fix. However, after applying a gold window tint to the inside and a hexagon pattern tint to the outside, I'm actually really happy with the look and might not do a vacuum formed/dyed visor for this build. The piece I cut doesn't quite sit as nicely as I'd like, so I may adjust or redo it if I have time, but it's currently in a "good enough" state, so it's a low priority item.

Rigging went slower than desired, but progress was made nonetheless. The attached image is all of the pieces with completed (or mostly completed) rigging. I wanted a super sturdy connection for the hips, so I'm literally bolting the nylon strip to them and then running the strap up to the h-harness

Currently the torso is not attached to the harness at all, but I'd like to tie it together somehow to keep them from moving around too much independently (I have slightly uneven shoulders due to scoliosis).

Built up the foot covering around a Croc. I don't know if I want to try to attach the calf assembly to the foot to make a large boot (using EVA foam to connect them) or run another strap/buckle up to the hip piece.

Obviously still need to do the arms and shoulders. One forearm is mostly done, just need to apply the elastic strap to the last piece so it can expand when I slide my hand through. I think the small shoulder piece will get attached to bicep/tricep plates, but I'm still undecided about the larger shoulder.

Printed the final piece overnight (abdominal plate). Decided to skip the hand plates for this Con, I'll work on scaling them afterwards. The gloves I bought are tech enough for this rough draft, and I hate gluing things to gloves anyway.

Goal for tonight is to finish rigging and apply the first coat of paint. Tomorrow will be clear coat and helmet electronics (fans).


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Dawn of the Final (full) Day (prior to the one where I have to pack everything up and drive to the Con).

Still undecided about rigging the calves. Even with them scaled to 80% (height), it's an odd fit at both the ankles and knees. I cut off the side knee covering from the thigh piece to give some more freedom for movement.

Didn't get much of the remaining rigging figured out because I decided that I should focus on the painting, since I can make/glue straps/buckles in the hotel room if needed, but they definitely wouldn't appreciate me turning the bathroom into a paint booth.

I picked up a metallic blue automotive spray paint that is an anodized blue that will make up the bulk of the armor color scheme. For the visually important pieces (helmet, shoulders, chest), I used the brand-recommended undercoat, but the rest of the pieces are just sprayed on a white primer base. Low visual priority pieces (calves and cod, mostly) got a cheaper/simpler Gloss "Patriotic Blue", since it requires fewer coats and is easier to find.
Secondary color will be a gloss black, with tertiary being a chrome/gloss red. I decided to do red on the thigh pieces because the color combination reminds me of the blood stripes from my Marine Corps Dress Blues.

Before/after for helmet shown below (silver is the undercoat), as well as some color layouts for other pieces. I used a paint pen to mark what color I want on a given section, and then wipe off each color when I paint it.


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I saw your progress earlier this week on Discord! I am so excited to see the final product!! What a genius system of marking what colors you want before painting! I hope you can hit the deadline and have fun at C2E2!!
C2E2 Day 0 Update:

Stayed up until past 3 am last night finishing the painting. Slapped some clear coat on all the pieces and called it a night (curing time? Never heard of her!)

At one point I stepped back to look at the thigh piece and realized that it looked like it belonged to Spiderman more than a Spartan. Not necessarily a bad thing, but also not really the intent of the color scheme...

This morning I decided that I wanted to weather the armor, since I had to weather a couple of pieces from my Shinra Guard set as well. Thankfully the weathering (basic acrylic wash) took away a lot of the bright and comical vibe of some of the pieces.

Unfortunately the decision to weather meant I didn't finish rigging, so in an attempt to make it to Chicago in time for early badge pickup, I basically just threw a bunch of webbing, buckles, and my hot glue gun and sticks in a bucket with a bunch of other tools and a couple of rolls of EVA Foam and I'm going to finish it at the hotel tonight.

Hoping to have it ready to wear for the meet-up tomorrow, though I'll be changing out of it right after in favor of my Soldier Boy build for Friday, with Saturday being the "Halo all day" day. Got everything laid out nicely on the bed in my hotel room, time to get to work.


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Stayed up until 3 am, but I got the rigging done. The foot straps were definitely hindering my walking ability so I ripped them off my Croc-boots. The attached photo and video are from the 3 am fit up.

I trimmed the straps and tightened the thighs and calves a bit, and then put it all back on in the morning to go to the C2E2 405th Meet-up as a shake-down test. Met a few of the members. I can't walk very fast and I discovered an aggressive pinch point on the inside of my left knee that will need to be addressed at some point.

For each thigh, I have a bolted connection point that 3 different straps converge at with a 1/4-20 bolt and 2 washers and a nut hold steady, but while hanging out at the 405th booth, one of the nuts came loose and was lost to the crowd. Thankfully I had some random 1/4-20 hardware in my truck as well as some Locktite and a locknut, so hopefully I don't have any similar issues tomorrow for the photoshoot and parade.

I would consider this build to be about 80% done. I need to do the hand plates and fingers, and add the shoulder detail piece, as well as a couple of cod pieces. I still want to add lights and fans to the helmet (I didn't bring the right parts for either), and I want to make a few improvements to the armor for flexibility and wearability (rubber butt plate and maybe ankles/knees), as well as various accessories to flesh it out (as the Chief would say, "I need a weapon"), but for now I will consider this to be a successful build.


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C2E2/First Wear Debrief:

Overall: The suit worked and I would consider it a success for the first Con. Definitely lots of improvements to be made before the next one though. I enjoyed getting to meet folks from the 405th, and I definitely want to be much more involved with the next Con that we have a presence at.
Seeing everyone else in their armor up close definitely gave me inspiration for improving my armor. The mobility that many of you have is impressive, and the build quality is excellent. I'm jealous of the people that were able to run around and in general be unphased (visibly at least) by their armor. I want to be able to run around in my armor and have many more options for posing.

Critical items:
  • The right boot heel broke off during the walk from the photoshoot to the booth.
  • Several straps broke off where they were hot glued. I will be replacing the hot glue with a stronger adhesive (contact cement or E6000) on all the straps that I feel are optimally placed.
  • Definitely need to get a fan installed in the helmet.
High Priority:
  • Since the cod piece/butt plate don't connect, I have found that I can sit down (very carefully) in my armor, but there are several sharp points on the butt plate that dig into my back. A quick sanding down of those corners will go a long way for comfort.
  • I will likely cut off some of the bottom of the calves to allow for ankle flexibility. Something has to be done to improve the ankle mobility and prevent the aggressive rubbing that happens in that location.
  • The thigh pieces are slightly too small. Eventually I think they will need to be reprinted at 105% or 110%, but for a short term fix I am going to try to cut the inside piece out and either replace it with foam or rubber to allow it to expand and also prevent the plastic-on-plastic rubbing.
  • The combination of the calf and thigh pieces being slightly undersized means that I had to really tighten down the straps holding them up, which placed a TON of force on my shoulders via the h-harness. If cutting the inside of the thighs and trimming the ankle area of the calves doesn't alleviate this, I also want to try to shift some of the weight to my hips, which will require a tight and strong belt.
  • Definitely need a weapon or two to bring along. Posing by just standing there and mean mugging through a one way visor just isn't the same as being able to at least take a "at the ready" stance with a weapon. I'm currently looking at the Galactic Armory shotgun for photoshoots, but would like to go with some of the Covenant weaponry for Cons to make it a little more obvious they're prop weapons. I'm leaning towards the Plasma pistol. The irony of using the most notorious anti-shield weapon with an armor that shouldn't have any shields at all makes me smile.
Medium Priority:
  • Add lights, speaker, and mic to helmet.
  • Fix pinch point of bicep plates. They have a couple of corners that tended to dig into my arm. I'll probably place all 3 pieces (bicep plate, triceps plate, and top of arm plate) on a foam sleeve so that they can't move at all.
  • Fix cod/butt plate/waist fitment. Right now the entire thing is hard plastic, and the belt has to be held up by the h-harness. I'd like to cut the plastic waist piece off and replace it with something that can be tightened to create an actual belt.
  • Similar to the belt, I'd like to replace the bottom torso straps with something that has flexibility and can be tightened/loosened. Right now they are welded to the back plate and clip to the chest plate, but I found that leaving them unclipped gave me the best mobility. I'd like to retain some mobility, but also don't want the chest piece to be able to flop around when I'm moving.
  • Extra layers of clear top coat for added scratch/rub protection.
  • Better connection method for shoulders, which currently just kind of dangle from the back piece were they are attached at one point (large shoulder also has an under arm loop, but could use improving).
  • Still need hand plates.
  • Belt is missing a couple of detail pieces that I printed but just haven't painted and attached.
  • Would still like to improve the visor. My Jupiter SE has been delivered, so I'm going to experiment with a resin printed option, but I also still want to vacuum form one. Then I'll make a decision based on all 3.
  • The silver undersuit worked for what I wanted (creating a "busy" look under the armor), but it also kind of makes all the black nylon strapping a little too easy to see. I want to start working on a better undersuit soon. Probably starting with a black bodysuit and then adding foam padding/cast rubber sheets.
Low Priority "When I get to it" Improvements:
  • I want to cast several parts out of rubber:
    • Entire butt plate (for sitting on)
    • Bottom 5-6" of calves (for maximum flexibility at ankles)
    • Inner part of thigh armor, as well as bottom 5-6" (for maximum flexibility at knees)
    • Maybe an entirely rubber-cast boot?
    • Possibly arm plates.
  • Still want to make something special with the helmet lights for fun party options.
  • Replace the balaclava with a neck piece, for better photos without my helmet.
  • Right now the big shoulder bell is being held "away" from my shoulder by 4-5 pieces of foam. I would like to make something better for keeping it in the correct place. Maybe a 3D printed stand-off bracket, or just a better method of lining up the foam.
  • General weight reduction: I weighed all the parts today and found that it's sitting at 31.2 lbs for the entire kit. This isn't a huge problem, but I will definitely be adding weight via weapons, electronics, and better padding, so that number will only continue to climb unless I make some changes.
    • I'll probably be replacing the calves with either foam, vacuum formed, or maybe fiberglass pieces. Right now they are the single heaviest items (3 lbs each) and also need to be made slightly larger anyway. If I formed something over them, I could keep roughly the same outer size but eliminate the bulky interior and replace it with lighter, more comfortable foam. A forged carbon fiber could be fun...


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May 8th Update:

Haven't really touched the armor since getting home from C2E2, though I did put the helmet up on my wall with all my other cosplay helmets.

I spent most of last week getting various props finished up to bring to a Star Wars day display. One of the things that came out of that crunch was getting my cobbler's sewing machine finally up and running. I mainly intend to use it for sewing leather, but it also works great for nylon and velcro, which is what I plan to extensively use it for on this armor once I have the time. Right now the "finished" ends of my straps are either hot glue sandwiches or 1-3 rivets. I don't mind rivets (love them, actually) but I definitely need to sew up the ones that are glued.

The main progress from the last few days has been weapons. I printed a Halo 3 Assault Rifle and (almost) two Magnums. Both designs are from Galactic Armory. I was having issues with my Jupiter SE, so I ran one of the prints on it and my other resin printer simultaneously while I was at work and ended up with 1.5 Magnum's worth of parts, so I'm printing off the few extra parts needed to have dual wield potential. I need to pick up some metal tubing from the hardware store tomorrow to reinforce the AR.

For Cons, I'm thinking I'll paint the tip of one Magnum orange and magnetically mount it to the armor. The AR might just be for photos, or I might opt for a more mechanical back mount, since it's too heavy for me to trust to magnets on my back. I might have the metal tube extend out the buttstock just enough to weld an attachment point for a sling so that the plastic doesn't have to bear any of the weight...

My ambitious goal/aspiration however, is that I want to really lean into the "tankiness" of the Mark IV. I want to build an almost-full-scale Hunter shield (I'm thinking about 5' tall) to carry around and pair with either a melee weapon (energy sword?) or maybe the Magnum. Right now I'm leaning towards the Halo: Reach version of the Hunter shield. I see that there's a Halo 3 Pepakura file in the Armory, but I haven't seen much else. I might have to design it myself. I'm thinking that it would make a great fiberglass or carbon fiber project. If I move forward with it, I'll make a separate build thread just for that.


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Stayed up until 3 am, but I got the rigging done. The foot straps were definitely hindering my walking ability so I ripped them off my Croc-boots. The attached photo and video are from the 3 am fit up.

I trimmed the straps and tightened the thighs and calves a bit, and then put it all back on in the morning to go to the C2E2 405th Meet-up as a shake-down test. Met a few of the members. I can't walk very fast and I discovered an aggressive pinch point on the inside of my left knee that will need to be addressed at some point.

For each thigh, I have a bolted connection point that 3 different straps converge at with a 1/4-20 bolt and 2 washers and a nut hold steady, but while hanging out at the 405th booth, one of the nuts came loose and was lost to the crowd. Thankfully I had some random 1/4-20 hardware in my truck as well as some Locktite and a locknut, so hopefully I don't have any similar issues tomorrow for the photoshoot and parade.

I would consider this build to be about 80% done. I need to do the hand plates and fingers, and add the shoulder detail piece, as well as a couple of cod pieces. I still want to add lights and fans to the helmet (I didn't bring the right parts for either), and I want to make a few improvements to the armor for flexibility and wearability (rubber butt plate and maybe ankles/knees), as well as various accessories to flesh it out (as the Chief would say, "I need a weapon"), but for now I will consider this to be a successful build.
That looks seriously excellent. Great job
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