MC6 Resin Pistol

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link4044 said:
its still the same gun no matter how you paint it

Yes, Reguardless on how much more or less detail I put into mine or the detail put into yours.
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Leadingspartan said:
Wait couldnt you make moulds if he bought your pistol link?

Well that would suck if someone is letting other people use Link's pistol mold. He worked hard on it to make it look so cool.
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link4044 said:
where did your friend get it at?

Im not sure he just randomly gave me it. The conversation was like this:

Him:Hi, I know you like halo so I got you something cool.
Me:Zomg what?
Him:A mold for an M6C Pistol
Me:ZOMG Wow...
Him:Here *gives mold* don't drop it, it was hard to get.
Me:Sweet thanks.
Him:Oh you'll need this too *hands bucket of resin*
Him:No problem.

And then I later made the pistol.
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GruntOfAction said:
Im not sure he just randomly gave me it. The conversation was like this:

Him:Hi, I know you like halo so I got you something cool.
Me:Zomg what?
Him:A mold for an M6C Pistol
Me:ZOMG Wow...
Him:Here *gives mold* don't drop it, it was hard to get.
Me:Sweet thanks.
Him:Oh you'll need this too *hands bucket of resin*
Him:No problem.

And then I later made the pistol.
OMG. You know how much moulds are worth?
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