I called him Link... it's too hard to break the habit. Sorry Link!
We met at Universal Citywalk, which is a collection of Bars, Resturants and stores at Universal being that the owner of Laserdome and I didn't get out of the IAAPA convention until 5:30 or so... and we weren't able to co-ordinate the evening until I got back to the hotel... at that point it was too late to check out Universal.
We went to dinner at the Hard Rock, so that my boss had something to do while Link and I talked shop (he's a big music memoriabilia nut). Link and I talked for about 2 hours or so about site politics, the 405th, and upcoming projects for the both of us.. Admittedly it was wierd to be able to ask questions and get immediate answers, rather than having to wait for a posted response.

But anyway it was a good time... and very cool to finally meet a long-time aquaintence in person..
It's be great if we could do this sort of thing from time to time, so the the serious members here can get to know each other personally... unfortunately the geography of our members are a bit difficult... we're scattered across the world.. maybe regional events would be best to try this out and eventually we could try to have one big Armor Meet at a centralized location. Gonna have to start saving money for airfare for that one...
I got a pic of Link and I in front of the big Universal globe at CityWalk, but I won't post it here... thats one for our scrapbooks only.
BTW I have TONS of cool stuff to show from the convention... I played some new, unreleased arcades... and met with suppliers, artists and design professionals in related fields to what we do here... until I get all my pics uploaded and synch them up[ with the business contact info... it might be a while, but I'll start a new thread for that.
Lets just say that ALOT of professional costume manufacturers and the companies that supply our materials show up at those events... Theres plenty of new contacts to be made..
I'll try to get my information organized and posted as soon as I can.