MK V B ReBuild


Back in 2022 I built a MK V (B) suit for C2E2 and sadly the suit never made it to another con due to me wanting to completely redo it and I recently got the opportunity to do just that. A fellow member was selling his old suit and I decided that I would redo my MK V (B). Now the first few issues I had to address was what would be reusable and what needs to be built and found that most of the upper body would be reusable while I’d need to redo the thighs, shins and boots. So far I have the shins and thighs done and will be posted with this thread! Goal is for a base MK V (B) for HCS worlds next month so I got my work cut out for me. Then building it into a more define suit for C2E2 2024.
Ima meet you at C2E2 2024! Can't wait to see your new and improved suit!
thought I’d post the update, armor is ready for paint now to get the paint figured out
Been keeping the build on the low because I wanna surprise everyone with the suit at HCS Seattle, but I’ll throw this in!

As of right now the original chest plate I have for the suit is too big for my build so I’m using my old MK VII chest.

Was also planning on using my old MK VI helmet but a lil accident sent it to the operating table so a grenadier helmet I had sitting around was put into use and I love the look of it. Making tahu505 proud with it! More photos will be posted when HCS worlds is over!


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Been keeping the build on the low because I wanna surprise everyone with the suit at HCS Seattle, but I’ll throw this in!

As of right now the original chest plate I have for the suit is too big for my build so I’m using my old MK VII chest.

Was also planning on using my old MK VI helmet but a lil accident sent it to the operating table so a grenadier helmet I had sitting around was put into use and I love the look of it. Making tahu505 proud with it! More photos will be posted when HCS worlds is over!
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Yes! Join the grenadier team! But also the helmet build is really good! That hex visor looks so good with it!
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