After a couple fun outings with my Mk V B, I’ve decided that, along with making improvements to it, I’d also like to implement my new knowledge into a new build. Therefore, I am going to begin a Mk. VII build, complete with purrfect audio and a goofy color scheme.
This will be entirely foam, with the exception of the helmet being 3D printed (with the help of Angus314)
Im unsure of the shoulder armor style I want, but I’m set on the ISR helmet and leaving all else plain (for now)
I have attached a digital recolor of my current color scheme plan. I’ve never messed with Blender, but I use Procreate on my iPad daily, so that’s what I used to make the mock-up.
This will be entirely foam, with the exception of the helmet being 3D printed (with the help of Angus314)
Im unsure of the shoulder armor style I want, but I’m set on the ISR helmet and leaving all else plain (for now)
I have attached a digital recolor of my current color scheme plan. I’ve never messed with Blender, but I use Procreate on my iPad daily, so that’s what I used to make the mock-up.