My first armor ready for fiberglass

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My helmet fiberglassed with two layers on out and one with mat on the inside.
i hope you like
I have other piceces done but i am not going to post until my whole suit is done. Which should be sometime this week.The visor is not that great but i dont have the money to buy the actual helmet visor.If something looks wrong PLEASE tell me so i can fix befor the launch. My gamestop is having a costume contest for the midnight launch and i an wearing the whole suit and i hope i win. Thanks in advance.

wow that looks really good. did you just spray paint the resin or was there sanding involved? and whats wrong with the visor?? it looks just fine to me :)
you dont need to spend a bunch of money on a motorcycle helmet visor if you dont need to be protected from rocks hitting you at 80mph. maybe get another one of those and do the dual-visor thing, just because i think its really cool IMO and im willing to bet not many other people at gamestop will have spartan suits, let alone one with a dual visor. maybe get some metallic spray paint and make the other one shiny.

also: what are you wearing underneath it? something with a bit of texture, i hope. id go to walmart and get some black denim jeans and go to a sporting goods store and get this stuff called "nike sphere" its like textured spandex for the top. but its also expensive. oh you want the pants to be kinda tight. (ive seen baggy pants for underarmor and its not pretty). dont get a perfectly shiny smooth black spandex jumpsuit because you want some texture.
sybrfreq said:
wow that looks really good. did you just spray paint the resin or was there sanding involved?
Thanks, first I sanded the resin with a med fine sand paper block thing I dont know exactly what it is, Then i put one coat of primer,two coats of dark green satin, and on light coat of lighter green satin to dull the green down. I am using under armor for the shirt and a pair of black pants for the legs and i also have gloves.And i cut apart 3, 99 cent yellow tinted water bottles at walmart for the visor. I would have made it dual layered but they only had three of the right color.

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wow your's IS pretty damn good. plus master chief looks way better in blue flannel under-armor :] tall are you? you look like you're about 6'1" in that pictue.......makes me jealous im only 5'10"
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