My first armor ready for fiberglass

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Well-Known Member
My first try at papakura(excluding helmet i forgot to scale it down the first time).[attachment=116:Saturday_180.jpg] I have started fiberglassing and will post pics when i a done with painting and putting my visor in. Please tell me if you have any suggestions for my armor. I have never fiberglassed anything before but i am going to put two coats on the outside and one with the cloth on the inside. I should be done in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for your help.

-Matt ;)
looking good...take your time with the glassing and when done with that make sure to detail it just leave it the way it is
wow. pepakura is a real possibility for armor making. good job here.
MustangMatt said:
Three posts in a row from the moderating staff. You've wow-ed us all! :cool:
Thanks, i have one more question to add. After i am done fiberglassing and it drys should i fill in the pieces some with expanding foam so they fit tighter and dose not fall off? If not what should I do? Thanks in advance.
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You can choose to use foam or you can go to a fabric store and buy a bunch of pillow stuffing. You can always back the padding with black denim or something, so it will keep everything in. Just an idea though!
Thanks I'll keep that in mind when i go to get the paint and other things. Which reminds me, i want to paint my armor green or similar colors (eg. brown) not any reds,blues,light greens or purples. I wold like some suggestions of paint colors that are cheap like spray paint or canned paint not car( i don't have enough money to spend on car paint). Thanks alot for all your help.
Well, for spray paint. You'll want a primer coat. If you want glossy armor, you'll want gloss finish. If you're looking for a flat, non-glossy look, you'll want to choose matte or flat.
FAII3N ANG3I said:
wow, that looks great
I have to agree with him , its looking great, i hope for the best on the rest of your project,
take your time while fibreglassing cause it can and will get messy , and hope you have a good day lol,
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i have just finished fiber glassing and and have bought pant i have no pics of it fiberglassed but will get some when it is painted.

holy crap that's nice!! How tall are you just out of curiosity? I'm doing the same thing and just trying to get an idea of how much more i got to go.
Jim said:
Looks good, how much time / money invested so far?
Thanks, i have spent about 30-40 dollars so far on fiber glass and paint/paper.I have spent way to many hours to count on it just cutting and folding, i did not keep track of the time but it took me over a month and i spent what seemed like all day,every day to do it. So I wasted the last month of my summer vacation on it(but it was worth it)!!! I am about 6'1" and 140 pounds and my armor fits just about perfect. It is a little big but i am going to use expanding foam to make it more snug. I will post more pics of it when i am completly done. Which will be sometime this weekend i hope. I have four different grains of sand paper to use so i hope it will make it smooth enough to paint.

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joshua61991 said:
Are you a buff person? With the armour on you look like you could crush a car.
Thats because i can crush a car. LOL No i cant actually crush a car but i wish i could i am not that buff i am only 140lbs. and a nerd. so... yeah. i just got my helmet done painted visor and everything so i will post pics sometime tomorrow.

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Now when I see other peoples armor I start second guessing my own... Like i'm starting to think my arm pieces are too small... :\... :(
Macattack64 said:
Now when I see other peoples armor I start second guessing my own... Like i'm starting to think my arm pieces are too small... :\... :(
mine were too big so I'm redoing em plus I think my chest armor was too small so I made it bigger
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tokage said:
mine were too big so I'm redoing em plus I think my chest armor was too small so I made it bigger

I'm just gonna edit mine... Gonna cut it down the bottom side and make it lil wider... :\...
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