My first cosplay.


New Member
I recently got my hands on an ender FDM 3d printer, and plan on making myself some mark VII armor, just for fun really. Ill provide updates as progress is made.
Best of luck! Make sure you calibrate and "level" the print bed. Had an E3V2 myself and I found that I didn't really have the patience for it XD. Bought a BambuLab P1P that required minimal setup.

P.S. "Leveling" the bed doesn't actually mean Leveling the bed with a level tool. It's more Squaring it parallel to the print nozzle for a quality print
Best of luck! Make sure you calibrate and "level" the print bed. Had an E3V2 myself and I found that I didn't really have the patience for it XD. Bought a BambuLab P1P that required minimal setup.

P.S. "Leveling" the bed doesn't actually mean Leveling the bed with a level tool. It's more Squaring it parallel to the print nozzle for a quality print
Thanks! And yea I've had a resin 3d printer for awhile now, I'm pretty used to it. This will be my first FDM printer so I'm going to be watching loads of YouTube videos on how to operate it before it arrives.
Thanks! And yea I've had a resin 3d printer for awhile now, I'm pretty used to it. This will be my first FDM printer so I'm going to be watching loads of YouTube videos on how to operate it before it arrives.
Welcome to the group Sock. Looking forward to see your build progress.
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