An update to my first cosplay:


New Member
I began work on my first cosplay in April. It will be a full body 3d printed MK VII with a BR75. I am close to finishing all the printing for the armor and have finished the BR75,
Pictures below.
Wow the BR-75 looks great! The paint job is very slick and I especially love the decals you put on it. How did you make those? Are they machine-cut vinyl?

Very nice progress on your suit!
Wow the BR-75 looks great! The paint job is very slick and I especially love the decals you put on it. How did you make those? Are they machine-cut vinyl?

Very nice progress on your suit!
Thanks! But no its all 3D print and plastic, save for the strap. I used a lot of straps for the rigging though, based off the rigging from your video. I did actually attach a real scope though, its an old one my father carried on his M16 in Afghanistan, I think this is the best way I could have put it to use.
Thanks! But no its all 3D print and plastic, save for the strap. I used a lot of straps for the rigging though, based off the rigging from your video. I did actually attach a real scope though, its an old one my father carried on his M16 in Afghanistan, I think this is the best way I could have put it to use.
Very cool indeed!

I want to know how you did the decals/text
Screenshot 2024-09-06 092705.png

Did you hand-paint them? Or perhaps use stick-on vinyl?

Or did I completely mis-understand your reply and they're 3D printed on with a different colour filament?
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