my marine progress thread

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Jr Member
hey...well i decided to go out on a limb and start my marine today using my own hand drawn templates based on a halo 3 marine sketch i have:-

here the way i work VERY fast...i only decided id be making this costume for certain yetserday:-

cut out and formed sintra sholder:-


chrome paint undercoat:-


3 coats of paint and basic weathering (the rest of the weathering will follow once the paint acctually dries):-


i went for the halo 3 marine look but will be leaning more towards the halo 2 look colour wise...oh and i am also looking into a spartan costume....desert ops specialist raimer sierra 114
which marine are you making? the H3 marines look like this:


But I must say, that it looking pretty nice... Keep it up!
Adam said:
which marine are you making? the H3 marines look like this:


But I must say, that it looking pretty nice... Keep it up! the pic i have the H3 marine sholders dont look like 4 seperate plates....damn it....i'll probably fix it too look like that pic adam...that looks cooler anyway lol

thanks for the comment man
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ive decided to go for a desert themed halo 2 marine with a mix of halo 3 marine in it...mostly because my spartan is going to be desert themed so i might as well go for a desert marine as well....but hemlet is going to be purchsed from westerfield as soon as they release their marine kit...the rest is going to be hand going to start the armour tonight hopefully... the old sholder is going be ripped apart and probably bined...its not very good and im not happy with the paint i applyed to it (too long drying and not the right cosistency) so i will be re-painting the small dotted piece in desert colours...and i will be doing a full drybrush of the armour to give it a highly realistic worn appearence....see this thread for where i got my idea from....well done to Sean for inspiring me to drybrush outside of miniture scale...cheers man (he also NAILED the master chief colours perfectly and his weathering is FLAWLESS) yeah thats the plan...i hope to put together a halo 2 style marine sholder tonight then paint it and put pics up by the end of the night....see you all soon :lol:
cheers hoping to get some work done tonight on it...and hopefuly pick up some sintra and start my chest this weekend! hoping to get some work done on my new sholders done before i go out with some firneds tonight...i'll keep you all posted

EDIT: ok good news...i picked up enoiugh sintra today to make my armour without a second thought..probably enought to do 2 acctually...but the weather has turned so im not working on it tonight...but the torso armour starts tomorow!...i have planty of screens sots and pics of the marines now!!! so no more mistakes hopfull!! i'll keep ya all posted!

EDIT: ok so last night i created the basic chest plate for the turned out hoping it will get better when its all assembled and formed...but yeah...its ok...a little bit of work left to do to it anyway...but far so good really gonna do some more work tonight...i'll post pics as soon as i get home (im in college on the pc's lol)
ok i understand double posting is frowned upon here...but ive edited my last post 3 times with i NEED people to see this so they can tell me what they think...anbd how they think im doing.....ive kinda changed the direction i was going in..i was aiming for a ive chnaged my maind and im going the ODST using the live action ODST's stills as my starting point...this may look a little small...but i am mounting it on a real life marine combat vest so it will be a LOT bulkier when its done:-
basic chest plate

the chest "bump" (i dont know what else to call it lol)

and the bump placed on the chest plate:-

tonight i am having an armour party (for those of you who dont know what that is...its when a bunch of costumers come to one guys workshop and make armour while drinking lol)

so im hoping to have some serious progress for this by tonight/tomorow!!!
yeah I made my MC costume, now I'm going to work on the Marine costume. Then maby later an ODST. That looks nice, I hope I can make mine look good as well. I relize that I need to use more fiberglass because my MC costume is hard, but not hard enough.
Dracula53 said:
yeah I made my MC costume, now I'm going to work on the Marine costume. Then maby later an ODST. That looks nice, I hope I can make mine look good as well. I relize that I need to use more fiberglass because my MC costume is hard, but not hard enough.

which route are you going for your marine?


i take it your MC was pep?
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BTW - for weathering the best method is to use a Brillo pad, and lightly rub down the raised edges. Makes it very realistic.
DarkLite said:
BTW - for weathering the best method is to use a Brillo pad, and lightly rub down the raised edges. Makes it very realistic.

that plus the toothpaste technique

like your start on the armor, will keep watching for progress

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yeah ive used both of those tecniques before....though i never had much joy with the brillo...but the toothpaste i find VERY effective!
spartan114 said:
yeah ive used both of those tecniques before....though i never had much joy with the brillo...but the toothpaste i find VERY effective!

ok i have a little bit of pregress...its a pic of my chest...un mounted, unweathered, unpouched and unstrapped...still a little bit to go to make this piece functional as an airsoft piece...but its getting there....though i'll probably keep using my mando armour for airsoft anyway lol

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