New Facebook Layout

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Master Chief 13

Well-Known Member
Well, im not exactly sure if facebook is as popular down in the states as it is in canada. Up here if you have a computer, you have facebook. Anyway, For the second time in less than a year, facebok has completly redone its layout. From what I've heard it looks a lot like twitter....anyway Am I the only one ticked off at Mark Zuckerburg for his indecisions?
The old layout was great, so they fixed it...which was ok....Then they fixed it again!....reallly someone needs to inform them of the phrase "If it aint broke dont fix it!"
Yeah, if you've got a computer in the states and are between the ages of 16-30, you have a facebook. I was pissed off that they changed it up the first time and I was pissed when they started adding applications to it. It's just getting to the point where it's not even facebook anymore but it's just an advanced myspace page. I think Mark Zuckerburg should owe everyone $20 each time he changes anything on facebook. That'd teach him!
Up here in North West B.C., pretty much everyone of my friends has Facebook(were 13-14-15). But I really hate the new layout. I was just getting adjusted to the old one too.
Well, I just noticed that you now actually have to hunt for things...I remember on the first layouts everyones ifo was right you have to purpsoely hunt for it which is kinda creepy
Master_Chief_13 i totally agree with you. when i checked my facebook i was like "W T F NOT AGAIN!" i really hate the new layout
If everybody was cool and stylin like me, you wouldn't need or have a facebook. :cool:

Eh, what's that? I'm not the definition of "awesomeness"? Oh well.

Though I don't have a facebook, my brother and sister do. They've been whining about the changes as well.
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