I just did, and I'm completely freaking out! X-button revealed, 4th grenade revealed, about a minute spent on the new Assault Rifle, portable Grav lifts, trip mines, bubble shield and wieldable turrets. All of these !
UPDATE: Frankie just posted some clarification on the Vidoc.
Wonder how well the Warthog is gonna work without that... :mrgreen:
"Hey, get back here with that, we're gonna need it!"
UPDATE: In this weeks Update Frankie said:
Folks spotted other things in the Vidoc too. A new weapon. I saw it referred to as the “chain gun” but I ain’t talking. Although I will tell you that no, you can’t pull the chaingun off the back of a Hog.
Damn Bungie. They said no bubble grenade> HELLL YAAA. Trip mines. the BR looks wierd though. Scope kinda off. Wonder what they are gonna use for MLG starting weapon in 08 09. GOD LOVES USSSSSSS.