NEW halo wars pic

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looks pretty kool looking, i might want to make a studio scale one for the hell of it
well you gotta remeber that this is a pre-halo game, the pelican is a up-grade from this i believe
ronin, ill join in!

and yeah, i thought it WAS a pelican at first, with a nicel little (big) turret set glued on
link4044 said:
well you gotta remeber that this is a pre-halo game, the pelican is a up-grade from this i believe

nope pelican was around before the covenant showed up, however its probably what become the skyhawk in the book, since the skyhawk was was supposed to have VTOL (vertical take off and landing) capabilities, also it looks like some concet art for Halo 2
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ik I just felt like putting it out there >.>, plus I pointed out pelican was before and that the skysparrow was probably what they skyhawk was based off of, so we can call it a bit of Halo history
yes indeed love the how many crew members are in that cockpit do you guys think 1 or 2
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