New UNSC Marine project

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Hello everyone.

I joined a while ago before I deployed, but never got anything accomplished before then. I'm thinking of a couple of things, and mostly for my son. I wanted to do something he could cosplay at next year's Con in Seattle and looking around his room I remembered he has a toy gun that looks just like an assault rifle. I figured it would be perfect to make a little UNSC Marine uniform for him. We'd probably never see the end of camera flashes, but that's part of the idea. I'm thinking of just a simple cardboard build, not overly detailed, but good enough for a 5 year old boy.

The other option was to do up a Covenant Grunt costume and make him a plasma pistol, but I don't think he'd wear the respirator mask as part of it.

Anyway, I promise pictures as I go, naturally.
Can't wait to see progress! I won't be able to make it to the con, but probably to ECCC in March with my ODST stuff. Good luck.
The first part of this costume, I made my weapon - a simple Assault Rifle. I started with the Buzz-bee toys "Plasma Gun" and tore it apart. I repainted the shell and cut off the red plastic muzzle, and then made a new muzzle from PVC.

I owe you all a picture for an update. I had to finish up my current primary project of a Starship Troopers costume, but now that it is once again on standstill due to lack of materials I finally was able to pep out my marine helmet. I tried the HALO 3 version, and jacked it all up, so I went back to the HALO:CE version. Pictures soon.
Okay, I love your helmet and body armor. I'm downloading the helmet, and will likely do one in the future, though I think first I'll upgrade the one I have before resining the outside. But dude, you gotta unfold that body armor!
It is indeed. The one in my pic is screen used, but there is a rudimentary pep file out there. Just look for threads titled "Need an Unfold for Starship Troopers Project".
Here's a pic of my pep'ed pieces so far. I made a noob mistake on the forearm guards and they wound up being about 3 inches too long. Everything else has been about right. So, I still need to make the thigh plates, chest and back plate, armored belt and the right shinguard, and have another go at the forearm bits. I was thinking of using large velcro patches to attach all this to the fatigues.



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