Odst Helmet

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Sweet loking helmet so far, which pep file you using, and which epoxy resin ? Keep up the good work bro

Looks very nice! Just curious though, why'd you choose epoxy resin? It's more expensive and less user friendly. Of course that's just what I've read.... I've never used epoxy resin :p

One of my sources for fiberglass info:


Guard1an said:
Sweet loking helmet so far, which pep file you using, and which epoxy resin ? Keep up the good work bro


pep file i used was modeled by NZ-TK and unfolded by Ruze789, my thanks to them..

Dan W.

the reason i used epozy resin......it was free,but very hard to work with.had to take it slow and do sections at a time right,left,back and front,cloth made it easy to work with..

i used hot glue gun to put the pep file together and i was affraid the heat from fiber glass resin would be a problem,melt apart lol
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Free is always good! :pI recommend tacky glue though. It's like regular white or Elmer's glue. You can get it at any craft store or walmart. It's much cleaner and it still dries pretty fast. 10-20 seconds or so. Again, your helm looks great!
I got the rookie helmet pep file by rundown, how does it compare to the NZ-TK/Ruze789 pep file in terms of detail and accuracy ? I like using supergluing it together then using a outer glaze of polyester and chopped glass mat/polyester on the inside. then bondoing/sanding in the "crisp" detail,

Guard1an said:
I got the rookie helmet pep file by rundown, how does it compare to the NZ-TK/Ruze789 pep file in terms of detail and accuracy ? I like using supergluing it together then using a outer glaze of polyester and chopped glass mat/polyester on the inside. then bondoing/sanding in the "crisp" detail,


NZ-TK his helmet has less details then my file. Just look at the visor edge and mouth for instance. i modeled fill curves. NZ-TK his file just has edges.X
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Guard1an said:
I got the rookie helmet pep file by rundown, how does it compare to the NZ-TK/Ruze789 pep file in terms of detail and accuracy ? I like using supergluing it together then using a outer glaze of polyester and chopped glass mat/polyester on the inside. then bondoing/sanding in the "crisp" detail,


With the nz model, its more left open to the modeler to make all the necessary deetail ot helmet, Looking at the rookie model, a lot of the detail is already there.

Theres not one spot on my nz helmet where bondo wasnt used.

NZ/ruze: the models leaves you to practically having to build on top of it with body filler since the vents, lines between panels, and that chin peice on the jaw doesnt exist on the model. This is probally for people with a little bit more experince and know how to shape body filler. You can fiberglass and use a little body filler just to get smooth surfaces but you'll have bad polygonish looking helmet

rookie: you can get a decent shape out of it just from fiberglassing since most of the detail already is made on the pep model, then a little body filler to get smoother surfaces
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Good deal, didn;t mean anything by the question rundown, helmet looks incredible, can't wait to start building it, any particular suggestion on where on the helmet to start building ?

Guard1an said:
Good deal, didn;t mean anything by the question rundown, helmet looks incredible, can't wait to start building it, any particular suggestion on where on the helmet to start building ?


i would try front to back,starting on the harder fold in the front,you want the visor area in mint shape before you resin it so that you get a visor to sit in even with no gaps.thats what i would do?
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Cool, I probably won't get started on the helmet till monday,got another special helmet project I'm working on :D

Redneck Jihad said:
Looks great, can't wait to see updates! How long did it take to assemble?

mine was about two days,cut and glue,then the epoxy took about 30 min.. to do in and out and i might give it away?? to start a new project...
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