Odst - Trooper's Thread Of Stuff

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Attached is the basics I used to make my visor.

If you have the time or resources, I recommend looking at some of the tutorials for visors, such as the one from Sigma linked in this thread. They probably provide much better and more effective methods. Mine was just something I tossed together because I had less than 24 hours to figure something out.

Anyways, I got the inspiration from Pooper's visor. What he did was take the WETA visor piece, and bend a piece of plastic to its shape.

While the WETA visor is great for keeping the shape of the helmet, it doesn't look much like the actual visor in the game/shorts/etc. Rundown's on the other hand is a closer approximation. So I put together an attached image of his and scaled it to the WETA visor's dimensions, pretty much by laying it over the wetavisor in photoshop and resizing it to match up.

Then I made a really simple line sketch of what I thought was right for the visor, printed that out, tested it on some scrap posterboard i had lying around, and copied it onto my little sunvisor. You can see a pic of that in post #29 of this thread.

If you're going to try this, I would recommend skipping over the tiny folds and just have two pieces. The tiny fold just made for annoyance as it started to snap apart. I may just dump some hot glue on the thing to keep it holding together since I don't feel like hunting down a motorcycle helmet at the moment. Luckily the visor I snagged seems to block any light bouncing back so even in flash photos you don't see the disgusting mishmash of gaffer's tape and hot glue holding it together. It looked fine for photographs, but it's just sad up close.

Hope that helps you guys. Feel free to post again or PM me if you need any clarification, but seriously, try out some of the fancier methods! :pDon't settle for ghetto second-rate work, unless you're on a really...really...short timetable. :sleep

Speaking of close ups, I'll try and get a few up before the weekend so people can see all the janky shortcuts I took and how I strapped everything together. Right now I'm out of a job/funds (until my annual military training kicks in and after that my school) so it's back to focusing on pepping and little lower-budget things. ^^;;

Youtube video going over al lthe little parts I used.


Nothing too fancy to show at this time. Sorry! After all that rush getting everything tossed together for AX, it's time for me to shift gears a little bit and focus more on quality, not speed. :) (and yes, I realize there are some crazy people on here that can churn out awesome stuff with amazing speed, but I'm a poor multi-tasker. ;) )

Anyways, just some updates on what I've been working on...pepping.

I switched over to using superglue, which I'm finding a lot nicer than hot glue. It's less of a mess and easier to get into small corners. The reduced gunk also makes for cleaner gluing of tabs, and it seems to soak in and stiffen the cardstock a bit also.

The next piece I'm probably going to work on is the side equipment plates (that go next to the painted circle thingy). I'll probably go back to the WETA Landfall version instead of the one in the ODST(Recon) thread. I think a lot of the details are better off being added later, instead of in pep, and NZ-TK/SKG's landfall version lends itself to this better. I don't like the thickness of it, but that's easy to fix later on. I'll probably have to size it up a bit also. The Recon version seems to be a bit small.

The shoulders don't seem to fit right, but I forget what scale I was using since I printed them out a while back. I think if I shave away the reinforcement in the back it'll fit fine. I think Jareye's pepped shoulders had the same issue.

Anyways, it's a lot of planning and such right now. For the butt-pack I'm thinking about just forming some parts out of fun foam and covering everything in cloth. The WETA ones were covered in cloth if I remember correctly, and it looks like the game version has a similar appearance. I still need to figure that out. You don't see too many images of completed butt pouches compared to helmets, so I'll have to hunt around for some later...see if I can snag any ideas.

The hip plates I want to use as a first attempt at molding or vacuum forming. Since they're symmetrical and low on detail, it seems like a good place to practice. I'd need to make an extra set anyways for my sister's DARE suit. Any recommendation either way on what would be better for doing a really short run (6 pieces or so)? I'm leaning toward molding since it doesn't have the setup costs of vac forming and it might be easier to snag some trial/beginner kits. But vacforming could eventually be used for visors. ~_0

The belt is another piece I'm staring at, trying to figure out what I can make without simply pepping and molding. The little belt loops on the side are an obvious choice. Knock those off and put on regular metal clips. I'm also trying to figure out how I would want it all put together.

I'm thinking the belt/2xhip plates/buttplate/groin protector should all be on one rig (maybe thighs also). Everything on the chest is another piece.

Anyways, once I get the side equipment plates done, I think that's plenty lined up so when I'm resining and such I won't waste any leftover material.

And next pep job...the legs. Oh joy.

I'll look into molding and such later on. It seems like it'd be better than hand crafting each individual piece.

Bah, I feel like I'm going so slow without a timetable, but...no timetable means I also should be making sure I do everything right this time, not having everything be excessively "battle damaged" :p
Wow. I don't care that you just slapped a bunch of stuff together, because you have a semi- full ODST costume, which is more than I can say. I think you did a great job, and with some adjustments it'll be even better. Good luck.
What was that helmet next to your ODST in the video? The silver on around the beginning and 5:50.

EDIT: nvm. I finished watching the video and you mentioned it.
For such a "janky" build, as you put it, I think it looked great. Good luck with the pepping. I hate that part so much xD I'm in the same boat as you, going on a pep rampage. Do you plan on doing all your new parts in the same custom paint style, or are you planning to build a character? I think you could do a good Buck or Mickey, since all the rest have been done (at least partially).

It's the WETA model by NZ-TK. There's only one version that I know of.


I really like the word "janky" a lot. =P

I'm getting one of my friends to help out with the pepping, and my sister even offered to help out, which should cut down on the workload a bit. It is still kind of slow going, especially since my friend has some trouble with the trickier folds and the pep seems a bit on the sloppier side, like my first try. =P Hopefully he'll get the hang of it soon though.

I think since I'm going to PAX and Bungie's doing an ODST panel there, I'll have to make some game characters. :) I'll probably work towards Mickey, but Buck is a backup since he's simpler. Actually there is a nice Buck helmet. Look at some of Ithica's recent vids and you can see it next to his DARE helmet. Looks very nice. I'm getting one of his antennas for future use.

I do love my little superintendant face though. I'll bring back custom paint jobs once PAX is wrapped up. For now, that's my main focus, and I've got a lot of work to do with little time.

I have my own suit (Mickey hopefully or if push comes to shove either Buck or back to custom character), my buddy's suit (Originally he said run-of-the-mill rookie, then he found out Adam Baldwin voiced Dutch...thank god there's a nice Dutch pep now), and my sister's suit (Dare, which'll be helped out by a rough cast I'm getting from Ithica).

Pax is a little less than two months away. I have military training this weekend and from July 30-Aug14th, which is about half the time gone to anything except for pepping and drawing up blueprints. That leaves me with....about 4 weeks to finish everything? Well..could be worse I suppose! I can get it done I'm sure, I just hope I can put in enough polish to make it something I'm happy to show to Bungie, especially considering some of the really great looking props on this site are being sent over to them. I'm still going to have to take some shortcuts it's looking like, but the suit should be a lot more complete than it was for AX.

Edit: While at military training, it might be possible to keep pepping at least.


You ask for updates...I give you updates! Along with an idea of my current plans on how to get everything done.

Sidenote: I'm violating Flickr policy by just linking the image without providing a link to the individual images page, so as a sidenote all the following images can be found here: Flickr Site.


These are going to dgj27284. Hopefully it can help him out, and for me it's the equivalent to burning the bridge from makeshift pieces. Now I have to either come up with something better or....spend more money to buy replacements. =P Hopefully something better though.


Remember this small chestpiece from a few pages back? It's going to find new life being customized to look like Dare's chestpiece. Hey, it's small...my sister's small...the universe works in mysterious ways.


More proof the universe works in mysterious ways. And yeah, I'm paranoid about having the wings bow forward again.


Chestpiece being rennovated. I tried to lessen the appearance of having the wings bowing forward. This means the center piece is shallower, but it's not too bad. Also the edges are a lot less funky.

If I have time I may remake this from scratch. If I have time. For now, this will be fine.

I'm also making small touchups to the helmet.

This means I'm going to have to repaint everything. Those of you experienced in painting...should I strip the paint off first? Or just paint right over it?



Belt pieces


Stomach pieces


Pep sweatshop

Shins are pretty much done. I need to reinforce them properly then it's off to the resin glass factory for them. The shoulders are fine for me but too small for wannabe Dutch, so I gotta get new one pepped. I'll probably keep the small one for me and pep Mickey's CQB shoulder.


"The future". Or "I'm either going to learn this for the forearms, or I'm pepping the WETA ones".

For those of you who do use clay to make molds and such, do any of you have experience with this brand? I'll probably order some of the reccomended clay later, but this was at Michael's and labled "oil based, no sulphur, works for silicone molds" so I figured I'd play around with it.

Anyways, here is the gameplan, going by pieces on downward:

We've got three characters I'm working on, and there are several pieces that can be shared between them, such as the entire belt rig. So I am looking into making molds and casting them to save time. I've ordered the trial kits from smooth on to play around with next week hopefully. What's your guys' opinion? Would it be faster to pep everything individually or make molds and cast? Anyways, here's the plan.

Stomach center piece (the thing with the circle): This will be my first attempt to make a mold and cast something, since it is small and has a flat bottom.. I need to make at least two copies. I'm debating whether to detail this to be more accurate to the game models or to simply mold it as is. What is your opinion? Think anyone will notice or care? I'd love to make it more accurate, but right now in the interest of time, I'm leaning toward just mold as-is.

Stomach side plates: Will be molded next (similarly small and flat). Needs to be detailed with the raised portions. I will try and hunt down an old plastic or resin box I can cut up to make those pieces. My plan is to roto-cast them so they're just a shell, cut small holes in two of the raised brackets, and run a one inch strip of webbing to make the final detail.

Hip plates: Pretty much done aside from the tear drop details on them. Again...think anyone will notice if I don't bother?

Perhaps instead of the teardrops, for these smaller pieces, I'll put the tip of a small screw in the same location so there is some detail, even if it's not accurate. I have issues getting the teardrop things to look decent anyways.

Anyways, for this one I'm trying to think of a good way to cast it. Should I make an open face one and just roto cast it? Most of those seem to be designed for things with a flat back. I think I have an idea how to make it moldable,I just need to play around with it. But any suggestions are welcome.

Groin plate: I'm just going to buy up some foamboard, cut it to shape, and wrap canvas around it. I do NOT want anything solid swinging back and forth near my man bits. Detail with 1-inch webbing and proper D-rings. This will get attached to the belt.

Beltplate: I think I'm going to just pep the details, stick 'em on, and mold it. The actual belt that holds everything together can attach behind the plate, and I'll just make a faux belt for the front. Again, I need to figure out how to properly make a mold and cast something with a curved back in the most efficient manner, or I could just hand make all three.

Buttplate Either pep and make them all by hand, or make one decent one and mold/cast it.

Chestplate May just make a mold from what I have. If I have time I'd like to remake it entirely though. The center piece is very shallow now. My poor baby. =( Oh well, we'll play this one by ear. It's a fairly simple piece to pep. Worse comes to worse, I may just see if I can snag two of Rube's chest pieces, but I'd rather make what I can myself.

Thighs I would LOVE to make the ODST game accurate ones. I would also be horribly annoyed at trying to get the right size, unfold it, pepe it, all that jazz for three people, 6 pieces total. I think I'll just make the WETA ones and make copies. It'll still serve its purpose of not leaving the thigh completely blank. *sigh* I doubt I'll be able to do these game-proper so we'll have to settle for plan B.

Shins/Kneepads Pep and mold, because I do not want to deal with this three times over either, especially since getting them to hold the right shape is a pain. I'd rather figure out how to mold these right.

If I could find cheap enough pieces I would be tempted to maybe look into nabbing a few of those as a backup plan.

Shoulder Dare's shoulders would be made out of foam, or I can see if I can nab a motorcycle suit. I'd rather do foam though. It's cheaper and I'm going to be spending enough money. Instead of molding and casting the ODST shoulders, I might just get them all pepped since i only need 3 of them since Mickey has a different shoulder for one arm.

Gauntlets This is a tough one. There is a pep file out there for the new ones, but it's not the most complete since it's a bit old. I could use the WETA ones but the new ones are different enough I'd like to make at least a fascimile of them. I'd rather not go back to shin guards if possible. I'm considering just getting a piece of PVC pip and building a clay sculp on top of that to cast. We'll see how that goes. This is probably one of the trickiest ones I'm stuck on.

Underarmour Going with what I had for AX: Black flightsuits, black flak vest, black fingerless gloves, black boots. It shouldn't contrast as much if I switch to a darker colour scheme (not gloss smoke gray) and if I have more complete pieces. I'll see what other details I can add to it, but it's an afterthought for now.

Grenades Scratch build one and just make copies because everyone's carrying like 6 of them...

Okay, I think that's it for shared parts, on to individual unique pieces:

Dutch- Helmet: Thank god there's an awesome pep file for this already. Oh thank god. And rundown.

Dutch- Backpack: Make out of foamboard. The larger pouches on it I can scratch build also.

Dutch- Weapon: A spartan laser is not going to happen I'm pretty certain. Too bad. Well, guess he's going to get an SMG. I told my friend to go make one out of a nerf gun like someone else did on the forums. Hopefully he'll actually remember to do it, but he seems to enjoy breaking nerf guns apart.

Mickey- Helmet Modify my current helmet. If I have time I can see about making one of Rundown's helms. It wouldn't be too bad since they're so well done there should be very little touchup work involved.

Mikey- Backpack Foamboard scratchbuild

Mickey- Shoulder Pep

Mickey- leg bandoleer Cut up a wooden rod...dowel? forget what it's called and paint those just to save time. Finding a bandoleer will actually be the harder part.

Mickey- Weapon I would love to make a cruddy rocket launcher out of some PVC pipe and such...it won't be anything terribly great, but it could be doable. Otherwise...more SMGs for everybody.

Dare- Helmet Solved by Ithica's awesome work. :)

Dare- Chestpiece Modifying undersized chestplate.

Dare- Undersuit Okay, she has no upper body armor..but she has all custom other pieces Probably just layer foam and such.

Dare- Weapon Lee's awesome work

Anyways, that's the general plan. Typing it all out just filled me with a sense of dread.

Bah, I'll figure out a way I suppose.

Again, any feedback would be appreciated.

Edit: Also, I'd kind of like to try molding/casting at least one or two pieces just to get the feel of it. No better way to learn than to try and screw everything up horribly right?


Metal Clips: Build one out of craft sticks and mold/cast it.

Dare- Backpack: Craft foam again probably.

Shoulder straps Rip apart backpacks.


Looking at it more and more next to the 'Dare' Chestpiece, I'm unhappy with the mods I've made to the chestpiece. Bloody waste.

I'm going to probably just set it aside and in the futre repaint it and turn it into just a display piece for my wall or something. I'll repep the file with more structural support so it doesn't warp.
Holy Crap, you work fast. Honestly I can't stand pep, I get bored and lose track and even when I'm motivated.

Good job!
It helps that I have no job right now aside from military drill. =P

On a non-halo costuming note, Obama gave me $10,000! w00t.
well fantastic job, I've always been inspired by your work. I've been working on some halo 2 odst srmor myself. But anyways yay for the 10k and nice work man cain't wait to see more of your work.
Hey everyone. Small update, nothing big, flashy, or cool to show here unfortunately. Everyone's seen pep models a billion times over here, but I'm kind of loath to show mine, but oh well. It's what I'm working on now.

I've decided to skip molding wherever possible for the PAX costumes I'm working on. The reason being I'm in a small financial crunch as far as extra spending money goes. I'm fine schoolwise thanks to that $10,000 grant I now qualify for, but for hobbies...well the government still isn't paying me so it's about $2000 to go before I start digging into my savings. Anyways, I've got plenty of materials for pepping, and I know how to do it, so I might as well stick with that. It doesn't make too much sense to waste money molding rushed work. If I'm going to mold something, I want it to be something high quality worth keeping around and copying, not something I slapped together in a week.

Of course that means I should be pepping now, not chatting here, but I needed a break. =P I'm still debating if I want to pep all those shins...I may look to see if I can snag some off someone else. And for gauntlets....I'm toying with the idea of revisiting the Wilson Youth Soccer Shin Guards, only spend a little more time disguising them.

Anyhow, here's a lot of what I've got done. I've been toying around with the best way to tackle things, whether to go "assembly line" method and do the same piece over and over...but I decided to go with trying to finish all the pieces for one suit at a time first in order to maintain sanity and morale. It'd be nice to know for sure I have at least one complete suit for PAX, and it's definitely more fun to see somethign slowly come together versus seeing the same old pep piece over...and over...and over....


I'm going to most likely resuse my old helmet to save time. It's been polished up a little bit and now it's prepped for a brand new coat of paint (though I'll probably wait and just dedicate a few days to painting.

I'm 5'11, 175lbs, and this is what I used for scaling:

Shoulder: 320mm height

CQB Shoulder: 360mm Height

Side stomach plates: 150mm height

Chest: 350mm width.

Everything else is default.

I chopped off the top of a 300mm shoulder that was too small and glued it to the top of the CQB shoulder to give it a little extra flair.

I have on set of shins resined as well.

I have the WETA thighs pepped, but I have a few of the new thighs printed out to try out, depending on time.

To the left you can see one of Ithica's awesome recons, non-flaming version. :) There's an NVG mount I have from the military that I'll be fixing to the top since I like the look of it a bit more than the detail Ithica was nice enough to include. Also there is the old chestpiece I had that I'm going to be modifying to resemble DARE's a little bit more.

So here's what I have left to pep:

Dutch helmet

1x Chest piece

2x Shoulders

1x stomach piece

2x side stomach pieces (L/R)

4x Hip plates

2.5x Belts (still gotta get the details for mine)

2x butt pieces (that just sounds weird)

4-6x Thighs (depending if I want to use the new or old ones

4x Knees

5x shins (I hate my life)

?10?x Dutch pouches (I might try to mold these since they're small enough to use the trial size kits on)

I also need to figure out how to build:

Dare stomach pieces

Mickey backpack

Mickey flashlight dealy (the technical term)

Dutch Backpack

6x Forearms

6x Elbow pieces

I think that should be it. Seems...doable, but it'll be a time crunch. Good thing I don't have any work until school starts, eh?

Okay, back to pepping.
nice it goin to be long hours of peping but i think u got this and i was goin to post saying someone is making the 1 backpack but i seen that u have already posted on the thread lol,and where did u find newer file for the thighs?
Harding29 said:
nice it goin to be long hours of peping but i think u got this and i was goin to post saying someone is making the 1 backpack but i seen that u have already posted on the thread lol,and where did u find newer file for the thighs?

Yep, that's going to be a lot of pepping, but one thing I have is free time during the day...just the number of days I have is limited. =P

Saw the backpack! Looking forward to it, and for Nightshade to get back and release the chest pack.

The new thighs are here:


They had been on there for a while, but they were tucked away and you had to unfold them yourself (which wasn't too bad since it was fairly low-res. Crackhead just posted his unfold though.
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Trooper0621 said:
Yep, that's going to be a lot of pepping, but one thing I have is free time during the day...just the number of days I have is limited. =P

Saw the backpack! Looking forward to it, and for Nightshade to get back and release the chest pack.

The new thighs are here:


They had been on there for a while, but they were tucked away and you had to unfold them yourself (which wasn't too bad since it was fairly low-res. Crackhead just posted his unfold though.

thanks and hope the peping goes well
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