Odst Visor Idea

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Well-Known Member
So, I was thinking of materials to make a visor out of , and I saw a plastic jar ( The kind bulk candy, nuts, pretzel rods come in) woundered if that would work. any suggestions on other materials? Thanks for the help,

dont use lexan to vacuform.. that stuff does not work well. Tried about 6 times already and non of the attempts would the plastic form around the buck completely.

Honestly, is the visor really this hard for the question to come so frequently? i think the best noob friendly idea (forgot who thought of it) is to use a coke bottle and cut the shapes out, glue, mount in helmet
Haji that would be me, ODST visor out of a coke bottle, and a wire hanger to hold its shape. You can see clearly out of it except for any little scratches the bottle had. Here are some pics

*The smudges on the visor are from tape adhesive but can be removed with alcohol. just haven't done it, pepping the rest of the armor
haha! there you are. I might have to try this (looks pretty decent) while i wait of my order of PETG sheets
Hey Haji let me know how your vacuum forming goes maybe I can haz one from you. Not haz but buy one of you if your making a run on ODST visors.
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