Official 405th Logo

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this is an AWESOME Logo, just what we need to take a step forward to our dream of becoming a full hearty Club

Once again love the logo and colors are very well picked out and have a good contrast of light and dark colors
Spase said:
Misspelled per the logo.... ;)

Misspelling? Don't get me started.:D

Honour, Armour. Honor, Armor. Can we have a 'Rest-of-the-world' version of the logo, with the correct spelling? ;)
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JediFraz said:
Misspelling? Don't get me started.:D

Honour, Armour. Honor, Armor. Can we have a 'Rest-of-the-world' version of the logo, with the correct spelling? ;)

Haha... and mmm no. lol

But if you were here, I'd make you some tea
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Adam said:


Vexona was a big part in finalizing the design. I think she did great. Congratulations!
Please, respect this logo. Don't go throwing it up on every new banner, icon, video etc without getting the approval of a moderator/staff member. In the move towards becoming more official, we have the regulate the marketing of this logo.
can i get a large sticker for my workshop?
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I agree. All around awesome work on the logo (nice job, Vex!), top banner and new forum layout. Really starting to get that "official" club feel to the place. Fantastic work! :D

This black incognito scheme is really great for alt-tabbing at work! I'd be glad to do something similar for other theme too hehe.
Vexona said:

This black incognito scheme is really great for alt-tabbing at work! I'd be glad to do something similar for other theme too hehe.

Oohh someone is not working haha..Happy Friday!! I'm doing the same.. Well I have Dual Flat panels, one to surf and the other to umm surf haha J/k haha I'm imaging up a PC for deployment to our AK Office.. Okay, IT GEEK talk here woot!! haha!! :D 1 more hour and I'm outta here.. ALOHA FRIDAY!
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Nice logo...
so... now that we have the logo, when do the official t-shirts go on sale? :p
i would get one...

something was mentioned in another topic, but other than that it really hasn't been spoken of
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